Only 'Punjabi farmers' are protesting. It's one year since Laws are implemented but still the rest of Indian farmers are asleep on these 'Black Laws'. How come? Do only punjabi farmers know to read Laws or what? And these protesters still haven't explained what 'actually' is wrong with the laws? can you tell what the laws says forget how they impact 'farmers' . tell me what the laws say?
Central India— A revolutionary country that fought for every kind of rights against the hegemony named Global Federation.
Book&Literature · FanHarem
This is refreshing in a long while where the MC actually questions the system! Nothing is FREE in this world, if it's then you are the product!
Garret is reminding me of Ohtani and DeGrom!!! Man this season of MLB is fun to watch!
Hi! one of your silent reader- Here, to encourage you as seeing an empty(only till now) can be disheartening but don't lose hope. This novel will get up in rankings!
Damn, that's a lot of balloons!!! Good work in supporting the author
Let me tell you author, I am one of those people who comments once a year and this one is 2021's over for you!.. I have found out about this novel a week ago and I am reading it just slowly. I am not one to comment as that distracts me and it's a chinese site(a bit skeptical, but I am stopping after one of my fav novels finishes after that my account will be deleted). but author remember there are many silent reader, and you never know when you will hit the stride!. Remain motivated- till the end sloth! hope you never lose your will - give this novel your all and then decide whether it was worth it or not. (REMEMBER I DON'T COMMENT A LOT BUT READ 2-3 NOVELS WITH EVERTHING I HAVE)
Be safe! Author!
Ming's sister
The fact is 2nd highest muslim population in world reside in India. You can't just discriminate your 2nd largest ethnic community and still be in One piece as a country! Also nobody in the news actually read the laws 'that discriminate against the muslims'. Our permanent mission in United Nations is handled By a muslim. Our previous Vice Prez(till 2017) was a Muslim.
Central India— A revolutionary country that fought for every kind of rights against the hegemony named Global Federation.
Quest Maker of Soul Land
Book&Literature · FanHarem