Souta raised an eyebrow. "Scheduled?"
Anime & Comics · Zarko_
Sách này đã bị xóa
One by one, they showed off their Pokémon, bragging with their heads held high, making some of the weaker students feel awkward and left out.
Anime & Comics · Zexxy
Men, without fierce competition between each other for women and in military conflicts (a limited number of people who were not to be pitied served in the army in recent years), began to lose testosterone. In addition to aggressiveness, sex drive, muscle and bone mass, this hormone affects fertility (the ability to have children) in men. In this world men live more freely, which makes testosterone not so necessary, according to our lazy organism. But because of this, men are not what they used to be. They're softer, more passive and, most importantly, less fertile. The case when the neighbour's granny says that before "the grass was greener, and the sky is bluer, and men are cooler" without exaggerating. Well, as far as men are concerned. Of course, not everyone became like that. There were guys with testosterone coming out of their ears. But there were fewer and fewer of them. There was a problem like that in my old world, but it started about 70-50 years ago, I think. In about 200 years there will be a complete matriarchy here, simply because of the fact that men in the figurative sense of the word will be born.And if we take into account that the first point of man's value in this world was his fertility, it becomes clear that for the locals it is a very serious problem. By the way, the following points in descending order were: health, beauty, intelligence, family tree (here, by the way, the family tree was almost an obligatory thing, because it is a proof that you were born in a complete family and know your family five generations back, unlike the niggers under the fence) and financial status. If a man had all of these things at the highest level, he became an extremely valuable producer. But the first three points were the most important and stood apart. Even for very wealthy ladies, this was enough for them to want to formalise a relationship.
Anime & Comics · FanFictionPremium
(AN: updated name for his quirk because you guys bullied me for my awful naming :< )
Anime & Comics · Sokk3
The experience had given him a glimpse into the lives of Hunters. Now, Sam was determined to capture that sense of danger and excitement in his next simulation. He envisioned a world with more dynamic threats, where players had to think and adapt on the fly.
Video Games · Najicablitz626
Lore videos would have been better
Using this image, I smiled as I wrote the message I was going to post with it.
Video Games · NunuXD
Entertainment > Studio
"Since my focus is going to be on entertaining people, it's best to change FrostHaven Studios to FrostHaven Entertainment! Yes, that's an imposing name!" I said out loud, excited as I walked around the dormitory.
Video Games · NunuXD
Thought he was gonna go with Blizzard
'A Haven to protect Players from the cold... maybe... FrostHaven Studios?!'
Video Games · NunuXD
Did the camera contain anything special? He tried to recall.
The richest actor in Hollywood.
Celebrities · INIT