The_Dream12311 - Profile



LV 14
2019-07-12 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 9

Moments 1061

Replied to Bobby_Wade

Sigh... I know

Then only a few years after that, she got some super secret resource from a mission, and it pushed her to the Royal Rank. That's when everyone started calling her the Arch Mage, and the fame started to get to her head. She doesn't answer our messages anymore, but we can still proudly say we went to school with someone super famous."

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

Replied to Khushali_Suthar

He wants to be a pitcher, that's all there is to it. Anything that doesn't facilitate that should not be considered at all.

Daichi nodded before turning to Ken. "It really sucks that you didn't make the team, It would have been great if we could still play together." He said, sulking a little.

Major League System

Major League System

Sports · leeroycgna


You still need to work on your mentality

"Oh thank god!" Ken breathed a sigh of relief, seeing as he could choose his difficulty level. It would be pointless going up against such a fast pitcher at his current level. However, it filled him with even more enthusiasm for his future as baseball player.

Major League System

Major League System

Sports · leeroycgna


Don't talk yourself out it, otherwise you'll never be able to hit it.

"97 miles per hour!? How the hell am I meant to hit that? That's like 155km/h…" Suddenly, the missions that once felt achievable, now seemed as if they were an unclimbable mountain.

Major League System

Major League System

Sports · leeroycgna

Replied to Patriarchleechlord


He jumped up high to block the ball, but Shang, having more experience, did a fake and dribbled to go past him.

Basketball System: Rebound of the Underdog

Basketball System: Rebound of the Underdog

Sports · SandKastle


Kai traveled he should relinquish the ball

Jinping, momentarily stunned, burst into laughter at the clumsy move. However, he quickly snapped back into game mode, realizing Kai was attempting to shoot from under the net. 

Basketball System: Rebound of the Underdog

Basketball System: Rebound of the Underdog

Sports · SandKastle


You still want her???

Jinping slowly walked over to their team, a sly grin on his face. "One more thing. If I win, I get the girl. 

Basketball System: Rebound of the Underdog

Basketball System: Rebound of the Underdog

Sports · SandKastle


Very good hiding spot

His aunt shrieked in horror while Rui's eyes widened in shock. The spoiled teen took cover behind Kaiden's wheelchair, pinning him in place. 

Basketball System: Rebound of the Underdog

Basketball System: Rebound of the Underdog

Sports · SandKastle


You dare say that cripple

Muttering to himself, Kaiden asserted, "You lost because you weren't playing as a team." 

Basketball System: Rebound of the Underdog

Basketball System: Rebound of the Underdog

Sports · SandKastle


Shouldve thrown a left hook just for the fun it

"It's fine, we're all young it happens to the best of us." Ken shrugged, not wanting to make a big deal out of it.

Major League System

Major League System

Sports · leeroycgna



"Yes sir!" Ken saluted, before grabbing a helmet and the bat from Daichi.

Major League System

Major League System

Sports · leeroycgna



By the time they had hit the 5km mark, Ken decided to slow down a little and check on his friend. He turned around to see what he could only describe as a shriveled husk, shuffling his feet towards him.

Major League System

Major League System

Sports · leeroycgna


That's one of the great things about exercising

It was currently Monday morning and he was headed back to school for his first day back since being suspended. One thing he noticed since starting his training regime was that he was now full of energy throughout the day.

Major League System

Major League System

Sports · leeroycgna


This reminds of the good old days

So despite the total distance covered being close to 12km, according to the system, he had only run 10.04km in that time.

Major League System

Major League System

Sports · leeroycgna


Lol, perfect time for push-ups

By the time he arrived back home he felt like death. Every part of his body was screaming at him to rest, but thankfully his mind was still lucid enough to trump their complaints.

Major League System

Major League System

Sports · leeroycgna



'I think I should continue this even after the mission is completed.' Ken thought.

Major League System

Major League System

Sports · leeroycgna


Doing push-ups and situps after this would feel amazing

Around 40 minutes later, he once again came into the house drenched in sweat and gasping for breath. Ken did not go and shower right away, he still had the additional exercises to get through.

Major League System

Major League System

Sports · leeroycgna



Ken merely smiled and put his arm around the broad shoulders of Daichi. "What kind of person would sit back and watch his best friend get beaten up by some thugs?"

Major League System

Major League System

Sports · leeroycgna


He really is an idiot

He bashed his shoulder into the back of the closest bully, causing his neck to jerk backwards before he was sent tumbling to the ground in pain.

Major League System

Major League System

Sports · leeroycgna

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