this might be the inner D&D player talking but I think its Armor Class
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Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
At that moment, both that big brother and big sister, both of whom she trusted more than anybody else, had actually gotten together behind her back.
Eastern · Eat Apples Late at Night
sun not dun
<Your consciousness has remained shut for 11 hours and 45 minutes>
Eastern · Snoring_Panda
that is true with earth but we dont know the day and night cycle on this world and depending where they are on a planet the amount of time the dun is up changes for example in Antarctica the sun is up for 24 hours around the summer solstice while in winter the opposite occurs
<Your consciousness has remained shut for 11 hours and 45 minutes>
Eastern · Snoring_Panda
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
"It's not fair… I am the necromancer here…"
Fantasy · PancakesWitch
Iris slowly began to moan, as if the pain were slowly causing her… pleasure?
Fantasy · PancakesWitch
Well didn’t Odin in mythology hang himself for nine days off Yggdrasil in order to understand the runes I don’t think Iris has done that.
"I sensed an interesting clash in power for a split moment. Though it may just be me getting dull." A young man smiled while glancing at Athena out of his one visible eye. The other was covered by a runic eyepatch.
Fantasy · Reili
Dumping rating For info why just read any of the other one star reviews Dumping rating For info why just read any of the other one star reviews Dumping rating For info why just read any of the other one star reviews Dumping rating For info why just read any of the other one star reviews
When Aldrich was a child, he always dreamed about being a hero. It was a thoroughly uninspired dream considering basically every single kid ever thought about being a hero at some point. Largely unsurprising considering that it was practically impossible to escape hearing about heroes in this day and age of hero worship.
Super Necromancer System
Fantasy · John_Doever