Willard Wyler
'Your soul will be mine.' He immediately thought to himself.
Fantasy · WriterTheos
Better than me I read it as decipticon
"Dispossessor Jonathan. Number 331."
Games · FETI
Most mmo have an end you just don’t reach it ever sigh
"Fifth, if you choose to start the game, you only have two paths: 'completing the game' or 'character death'."
Games · FETI
Beyond a great sword that’s just a metal mass
He quickly opened his weapons panel and equipped his sword. The sword was about 2 meters long in length and was very precious looking.
Games · Snoring_Panda
My mom when the remote is ten inches out of reach
If Lilith is number one best girl im blowing your home up im friends with Obama he’s a real one will drone strike you zero hes itation
More like 1.28 open beta
"Come on! It's Blizzard! They never screw up..."
Video Games · MichaelCorbett
Gold star sticker
The man in bulky yellow cloth turned around, showing his face behind the layer of transparent mask. He was an elderly man with long white hair and a white full beard. Gao Yan estimated that he was in his 70s or 80s.
Fantasy · DamnPlotArmor
Bro wants a break down on how to write a best seller
This is a passion work. So, I would really appreciate it if you leave behind a review when you're done reading.
Soldiers of Time.
Action · Gbotty