Amritava - Profile



LV 14

I'm a real human bean

2019-06-23 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 7

Moments 343


this could have been written to actually show his instincts instead of Safa just assuming them based on nothing. Fight would have been over if she went for the head from what we've seen. This dude is super confident in his body and has been tanking just to see if he can.

'A surprise attack to the head isn't going to take this man out. He has good instincts,' Safa thought. 'So while Simyon has him distracted, I will injure him as much as possible, and then we'll take him out!'

Dark Magus Returns

Dark Magus Returns

Fantasy · JKSManga


pause 💀

"You are the one with the hard body. Let's see whose body is harder!" The man claimed as he jumped and swung Simyon's entire body into the floor, cracking the area.

Dark Magus Returns

Dark Magus Returns

Fantasy · JKSManga


Imagine being told that you're just not that guy by a suit of armor 🤣

"Stay… away… Jan`ind…" it said. "First… you must become HIS echo… Stay away…"

Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Fantasy · Shade_Arjuun


Bro forgot about the extraction technique 💀

Then he gathered both of his hands upright and started to use the Dark Faction's cultivation technique, restoring the mana back in his heart again. Right now it was the only thing he could do.

Dark Magus Returns

Dark Magus Returns

Fantasy · JKSManga


And yet this idiot was wiling to kill the steongest group of students his academy has likely ever produced over basically nothingl

There was a reason for the Dark Faction's pleasure in all of this. In truth, Murkel was worried that the Dark Faction's strength had weakened considerably.

Dark Magus Returns

Dark Magus Returns

Fantasy · JKSManga


because he'll die and you'll lose your investment in him. Therebis being callous and then there' just being stupid.

"You want to stop the fight when everything is going perfectly?" Murkel asked. "Look at this, a no name is standing his ground against the strongest student in the Demonic Academy. Every second he stands, the more value he is adding onto our academy and the entirety of our clan, why would I stop something like this."

Dark Magus Returns

Dark Magus Returns

Fantasy · JKSManga



Simyon didn't sugar coat it


Breaking from a blocking stance, as if waiting for this moment the entire time, Simyon had wound up his fist back, condensed the Qi in his strike, and swung it, hitting Mantis right in the stomach from below, delivering a strong uppercut, lifting his feet in the air.

Dark Magus Returns

Dark Magus Returns

Fantasy · JKSManga


I think you meant to say Null Devil King instead of Warmoth Progeny in the first sentence

'Curse you!' the Warmoth Progeny thought hatefully as his face was bathed in a blinding yellowish red light; Ju`wtte poured from the clones of the Progeny as they all gathered their fists to pummel the Null Devil King!

Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Fantasy · Shade_Arjuun


sha mo about to be like "nvm we keeping him" 🤣

"If you need somewhere, then the Crimson Crane are always looking for talented people like you," Raze said.

Dark Magus Returns

Dark Magus Returns

Fantasy · JKSManga


bro is about to use Reversed Mana Technique: Lime Green 💀

'That's an odd side effect. I can only use Inverted mana on its own…' Replicus thought, but that did not dampen his excitement. Not one bit. After all… 'I suppose we can proceed with using Inverted mana to power all skills. Delicate work that's going to be, but it should work. I wonder what the effect of this on my skills will be.'

Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Fantasy · Shade_Arjuun


Sause bamboozled that boy 🤣

"It means, ahaha…" he said. "You fell for a simple trick." 

Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Fantasy · Shade_Arjuun


How fortunate that the dark favtion is leading in the group events and that you plan on taking the 5 of them with you when you leave

Which left Raze to wonder, how could he get those items? Even if he was planning to escape with the others stealing them in front of everyone, well, that seemed like an impossibility.

Dark Magus Returns

Dark Magus Returns

Fantasy · JKSManga

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