this just got real stupid real fast
more please
not to mention its titled multidimensional chat group and that still no where close tostarting
do you happen to remember the name of said novel?
im confused now
"I don't think I want you looking at that. I'm not sure it pertains to you anymore. Now this on the other hand, is Agent Romanoff's assessment of you. Read it." Fury said as he Hands Tony the file.
Anime & Comics · shashank_bhatt
sett still getting to bend luck over huh
its not authors fault when mc has actually good gacha luck if anything it prolly makes it more challenging for hem to write
A/N: So someone had a problem with the way Alex was turning out as a person with you know great pokemon and having a perfect body(They thought he would look like a roid monster lol XD). Obviously this person was either not paying fucking attention or failed to actually understand what I was writing as well as how the story was turning out this way (They even left a poor review about it on royal road if you want to take a look). I will only say this one more time so pay attention EVERYTHING THE SYSTEM GIVES IS BECAUSE OF A VERY REAL AND VERY UNBIASED ROULETE WHEEL AND I HAVE NO SAY IN IT BESIDES ADDING THINGS IT COULD LAND ON! THIS INCLUDES ITEMS , POKEMON , ABILITIES , SKILLS AND VARIANTS SO If YOU DON"T LIKE HOW LUCKY ALEX IS IT IS NOT MY FAULT! For everyone else you are great and I love the support you give.
Video Games · loskro
at least he will get gacha pity pulls every now and then since its stuck with him for life lol
How could you do this to me, system?! I trusted you, and you lured me in? Wait. You cannot be lured in when you are already trapped in the endless hole known as gacha. It even follows me to another world!
Urban · LuxVonDeux
ok awesome i really like this so was worried it was
lance gonna be so jealous of all these legendary dragons lol
Pokemon: Gym Leader
Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891