I hope this door thing becomes a reoccurring gag
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I just realised he should use the bedrock golem egg on a spawner
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I have a feeling the choices made in the simulation independent of the main character were made by a copy of his mind, I’m pretty sure it would have ended this way regardless
Indeed, Kiana would have been a better choice!
Anime & Comics · TypeMercury
Fly!? This thing can fly?!
[Skills: Earthquake, Dragon Spear, Morale Boost, Fly, Rage, Muscle Contraction, Summon Goblin Army...]
Games · Sweet Spring Showers
High Humans! The ultimate final form of humans they can do no wrong!
He spreaded animal DNAs inside organisms and some powerful DNAs that could evolve into strong humans.
Fantasy · WashingDishes_07
Florida Man in Florida
176. Snow Girl With Her Snow
Anime & Comics · UltimateSenpai
Vulen has learned literally nothing that he didn’t already know. I struggle to see how this event has benefited him, if anything he has made his job harder by putting him on guard. why does he feel so smug about this situation?
Vulen could tell at a glance that both of them were on guard against him, but he did not care. He was still able to gain information as he was use to people trying to hide things during missions where he would have to get Intel. Therefore, he could easily grasp that Leo was trying to hide the truth about the wolf being a Shadow Wolf. He could also tell that Leo was trying to hide who he was from him as well. It was something that Vulen could see all too well in his eyes.
Fantasy · Vonir
He has enough to kill
|Well... as expected... only one three times the amount of a commoner... Maybe this won't be so bothersome as I thought. What could he possibly display with only this much?|
Fantasy · Sound_Hammer
Unfortunately the UPL (Universal Protagonist law as almost completely reduced you to the same state, it took months for your self awareness to lower by 90% whereas it took mere hours for this fool.
I mean, even I'm not THAT dense…
Anime & Comics · DJDAN
Your name is perfect for this situation
Elder 1 smirked, "Then we will have a perfect reason to make him leave. We know he likes helping people and managing that image. Perhaps declaring him a Demon would do us good as well."
Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]
Book&Literature · MisterImmortal