Author nim take your time we can endure it Exam is more important we'll wait for you and thank you for updating 💜💜💜
Omg I'm so curious now
what's their story past
They're so comfortable with each other I love their relation
"I remember going to your house but I don't remember anything after that" this reminds me of Jungkook interview. "I know her face but I don't know her name and I know the movie but I don't know the movie name" hahaa💜💜💜💜 I love Jungkook so much
wow Kim Taehyung and model. .. rhis is so perfect
Wow it was such a great story. .. talking about love and sacrifice. . both the beginning and the ending was satisfied. I love how their parents support them. . and how Taehyung never gave up even when she ignore him avoid him saying she don't love him yet at rhe end they got together 💜💜💜
Wow he's literally jealous
First thing it was such a beautiful story It talks about how love is wonderful if you find your partner. I really love the ending . the plotting was great💜💜💜
wow so many cheesy things happening and I don't know what to do I'm on love with this story..... I realise that the way AuthoAuthornim write has also IImproved
Temptation {Jungkook x Reader}
Celebrities · parkchristian138