

female LV 3
2019-05-16 đã tham gia United Kingdom
Huy hiệu 7

Moments 57
3 years ago

plus the jarring difference is heartbreaking. both of them are confused. Amar is terrified and is fighting his own demons on a stage, isolated from everyone whereas Rosa who is also terrified and is disoriented at this point. Yet her father takes her physically within his cloak, analogous to a cub being protected. I'm not saying that it's Rosa's fault but the sheer contrast. He's a kid man rather than giving him therapy and support why not add on to his trauma huh Freddie? Uncalled for man. Plus the ending is so vague that we dk what exactly happened with him. One thing that I do know is that I don't want that puppeteer aunt near him!

3 years ago

plus the jarring difference is heartbreaking. both of them are confused. Amar is terrified and is fighting his own demons on a stage, isolated from everyone whereas Rosa who is also terrified and is disoriented at this point. Yet her father takes her physically within his cloak, analogous to a cub being protected. I'm not saying that it's Rosa's fault but the sheer contrast. He's a kid man rather than giving him therapy and support why not add on to his trauma huh Freddie? Uncalled for man. Plus the ending is so vague that we dk what exactly happened with him. One thing that I do know is that I don't want that puppeteer aunt near him!

3 years ago

this is the first time I'm regretting reading a chapter on time without waiting for the next chapter 💔 The ending aghh plus with the whole carnival set up a whole picture of Freddie being like joker comes up in my mind with a whole Gothic vibe. Plus will Rosa blame herself for this?

3 years ago

disabled human hamster wheel - are we looking at something deeper here? My conspiracy theorist is buzzing

For one the parade float breaks down, thankfully after it's been parked and no longer needed. Out opens the clown car of not magical air but gasping employees and a wild Lukas still spinning on a disabled human hamster wheel.

I was Born the Unloved Twin

I was Born the Unloved Twin

History · CCmei

3 years ago

bro you can't just...... leave us... AT THIS POINT!!!!!!! (ノ°益°)ノ I CAME SO EARLY. AND AM LEFT HANGING DRY ON A CLIFFHANGER AHHHHH

3 years ago

So people, legend has it that we're still waiting for updates. A quick question for new readers :- Have the chapters been updated after ch 43?(・・ ) ? (meaning excluding this chapter 44 which is a PSA of sorts and a notice for updates)

3 years ago

how has no one reacted to this? NO? NO PROBLEM

"Oh hello BARBARA! Are you pregnant yet?"*pat pat* "NO? NO WORRIES *pat pat pat* Kids are so adorably difficult, have all the honeymoon time while you still can!" Mother turns to accept a teacup.

I was Born the Unloved Twin

I was Born the Unloved Twin

History · CCmei

3 years ago

wow ouch man ouch

"Oh hello BARBARA! Are you pregnant yet?"*pat pat* "NO? NO WORRIES *pat pat pat* Kids are so adorably difficult, have all the honeymoon time while you still can!" Mother turns to accept a teacup.

I was Born the Unloved Twin

I was Born the Unloved Twin

History · CCmei

3 years ago

only you would make a long ass chappie for April's Fool Kudos for maintaining your usual chapter length

3 years ago
Replied to Ash_mystery

I got worried for a whole minute when u said rewriting but then saw the date

Below is the unedited but truthful version of what Unloved Twin should have been. I have finally seen the real problem and error of my ways after all this time.

I was Born the Unloved Twin

I was Born the Unloved Twin

History · CCmei