Hi, biologist here, apologies for the late (3 years :/) response, but if you still want to know the answer, it is no. Differentiation between species has a couple of different ways of being defined as such, but mainly it is that breeding doesn't occur, or is not successful when it does. Primarily if two creatures have kids but those kids cannot have kids, and this is the default occurrence when two members of the separate populations breed, then they are different species. The term for different colours of people would be race, for an equivalent present in other animals, breeds for dogs is similar, all dogs are the same species such as chihuahua and huskies, which is why they can have fertile kids, but lion and tigers are different species, which is why liger's (the crossbreed of the two) are always infertile. Hope this helps! :)
"My father was the perfect example of a ruthless businessman; my mother has abused drugs and was addicted to alcohol every day; my brother is gay.
Anime & Comics · BingeFics
For other people reading this, this quest was only created just now, because Luke made the plan to take over hydra in the first place. Luke didn't do this because of this quest, the quest came after the plan. Have a nice day :)
[Side quests: Arrival of a New Era: The Rebirth of Hydra!]
Anime & Comics · BingeFics
As an Englishman, I don't know who made that, but they were weird. I've never seen it once for sale or being eaten. That sin is on the older generation.
"If you want to try something else, I recommend the famous British dish, Stargazy pie - see that, and you'll think of glucose oatmeal as a delicacy. "
Anime & Comics · BingeFics
Lots of people misread this paragraph, there is no implication that lifting these is a feat of strength and the author did not intend for it to be perceived as so, hence why it's a new paragraph, they are just making a point of a powerful equipment set, enjoy reading :)
He would be able to lift Thor's hammer and the vibranium shield to form a legendary golden set in the future. He could arm wrestle with Thanos. A 50-50 split battle.
Anime & Comics · BingeFics
at least that's the case in DBZ canon
Gritting his teeth, Piccolo made a decisive move. He tapped deeper into his reservoir of strength, reaching for the power of Kaioken X5. Instantly, his muscles swelled, veins bulging as his body strained to handle the massive surge of energy.
Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox
SSj and Kaio-ken cannot be used at the same time due to emotional conflict or something. It was explained in the story, hence why Kaio-ken isn't used again until blue. :)
Gritting his teeth, Piccolo made a decisive move. He tapped deeper into his reservoir of strength, reaching for the power of Kaioken X5. Instantly, his muscles swelled, veins bulging as his body strained to handle the massive surge of energy.
Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox
In the ovaries maybe? Closest equivalent than I can think of off the top of my head?
"The only mistake was not killing me before I reached Namek," Vegeta sneered, his voice heavy with disdain. Then, in an abrupt shift of demeanor, he smiled as if greeting an old friend. "Seems like staffing is thin around these parts. Not even Dodoria is here. What happened, Zarbon? Your new PTO policy not cutting it?"
Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox
Regeneration is exactly what causes muscles to become stronger, creating micro tears and then regenerating them builds muscle mass, so regeneration would allow for a significantly faster grind set!
"Did you just overreact and expose yourself?" Nicholas rubbed his nose, "Didn't think that happened in real life." She remained unresponsive to his words, staring at the ground with dead eyes, "I don't think regeneration makes you a monster, it's cool as shit. Imagine how rewarding the grind would be."
Anime & Comics · Bleap
He's waiting it in traditional Chinese from our planet earth not the native language of the new world he's in, meaning everything he writes is in an unknown language to the people of the world. Though it may be learnable given enough time and study of Zhou's texts.
Still not feeling at ease after writing this, Zhou Yi continued to curse Emperor Chongming for several hundred more words before he let the matter rest.
Eastern · Carpenter Rice Green
For those wondering about the answer to the other person's questions, telecommunications and in theory satellite technology have been invented ahead of time by Luke, hence along with marvel geniuses being present, the needed technological developments are in place for the development of these nukes
"One is a record of the number of nuclear weapons of the United States, their deployment locations, and their intended launch routes."
Marvel's Superman [Completed]
Anime & Comics · BingeFics