I’m so confused. This chapter says new but it was posted yesterday. And the chapter before it was after it. My brain hurts.
Leslie Thompkins?
Sách này đã bị xóa
Yeah so make yuuki like a yaandere for him lol haven’t seen that in any hotd fic
"Why are you acting cold towards me? you're going to Fujimi Academy, right? I applied for it as well~" She ceased her insistence on trying to touch me and instead indicated to her friends to keep moving forward while she kept talking to me.
Anime & Comics · Photosphere
This story one of those goofy golden gems. Like it’s good but it would be very hard to explain why? Lol
"Step aside, peasant! Lest your head be separated from your body" I towered over him at a glorious height of 6'6, and my wild black hair and beastly golden eyes stared down upon him with the promise of pain.
Movies · GingerGiant
Please let this be a joke chapter. Way too weird.
What is aggressive diplomacy one might ask? Well, when it comes to Kael it means finding people, using Neltharion to scare the bejesus out of them, and forcing them to answer questions or else they might get lost one day and find themselves inside a dragon's stomach. Kael was smart enough to pick single targets, he didn't really go for the kill or anything, those would be his future people and killing civilians just because he could, would cause more harm than good, just ask Daenerys Targaryen.
Book&Literature · KojiSan
Vote for raven 👍🏻
There will be no NTR and just a reminder this is a single pairing, even though the main pairing might not be immediate.
Anime & Comics · Azazyel
Keep with this one. It’s amazing. And you can’t just drop it after a chapter like that! Come on lol we’re all tired of good GOT stories getting dropped or put on hiatus.
Maester Luwin smiled at the boy, "Come now, young Joe. We can discuss it with your lord flord'sr tomorrow."
TV · ssyffix
Ah gotcha. Didn’t see that. My bad.
High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha
Anime & Comics · Photosphere