As the ship steadily progressed towards its destination, the crew settled in. Trust had been reaffirmed, yet echoes of their concern lingered—not for themselves, but for their friend and leader.
Movies · AlienWarlord
Despite not being the most technologically adept, Peter had learned much from Aayla over the past three years. His confidence, although not the best when it comes to these sorts of things, felt unwavering today.
Movies · AlienWarlord
Over the past year, I've grown in height; now I'm five feet, eleven inches, four inches more than my girlfriend. I do a daily workout to be in shape, and I shamelessly copied some shadow moves from the animes I remember.
Anime & Comics · Mountain_Dew_98
Over the past year, I've grown in height; now I'm five feet, eleven inches, four inches more than my girlfriend. I do a daily workout to be in shape, and I shamelessly copied some shadow moves from the animes I remember.
Anime & Comics · Mountain_Dew_98
"Etta, please, let go of the boy; he's a demigod, not a mortal."
Anime & Comics · Abyssuit
Then Dio can tell him the truth, so he'll agree to arrest Ma Gunn and return his necklace.
Anime & Comics · Abyssuit
"Don't be modest. I helped create this; of course it'll work. A Thunderbird couldn't escape from a cage painted with this stuff." Snape's avatar's face wrinkled before he continued. "Take pride in your creations. Humility is only for those who lack confidence in themselves."
Anime & Comics · Calleum_Artori
6. Shoto Todoroki
Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
Peter clapped his hands together as they approached the hangar. "Well, look at that! She's still here. Missed you, baby," he said, his voice filled with relief as they laid eyes on their ship, nestled in a small hangar. Thankfully, it looked undamaged. "Since we've found our ship, it's time to start looting…" He announced, a greedy grin splitting his face.
I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
Movies · AlienWarlord