
male LV 15


2019-03-25 đã tham gia United States
Huy hiệu 21

Moments 118
5 months ago
Replied to Sphinqz

I might be remembering wrong but I believe the ability description stated that his compatibility is based on his strength vs the strength of the undead. The bats are tier 3 cheaters while he’s not as strong as them His ou exercises don’t increase his strength. Just maintiain it’s current level

"God's Presence target, Skeleton Giant Bat, compatibility 45%."

Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Games · Angry Piranha

7 months ago
Replied to Webbyboi

Read shadow slave then haha

7 months ago

I love this ry king 😂😂novel is already amazing but every time the ry king shows up im on my floor laughing

"Take heed, my pack. Some human has threatened Scourge's cubs. Let's learn from his mistakes, and pray together for his soul, so that in his next life he will be wiser for this."

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

7 months ago
Replied to xLeafx

After the first couple chapters were perfectly fine “ for the most part “. Granted this novel went on hiatus at chapter 10 for I can’t even remember how long I’ve waited for it to come back

Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Zombie Survival System

Zombie Survival System

Fantasy · Hamapo

7 months ago
Replied to TOG9

His ability lets him create anything. So the op was right. He can just create a building wherever he wants

Lord [Kingsley] is exempt due to certain circumstances. He shall not receive any basic buildings or advanced ones

Deus: We are all Lords

Deus: We are all Lords

Fantasy · king_frosh

7 months ago

Author please don’t waste half a chapter with explaining stuff that should be common sense or you’ve already explained before. It’s fine now but if you go premium it will just be wasting your readers coins Just my thoughts on the matter. Besides that I love the story so far

For spells though there is no such luxury. Everything is active, unless you use a ritual or an array, which makes it part active, part passive. It is because an array takes energy from an external source and not you. As long as there are energy resources, you don't need to do anything, except for starting the array to work at the beginning or if you decide to end it before the energy source is used up.

Abyssal Invasion Online: Realms

Abyssal Invasion Online: Realms

Games · ChaosSpawn

7 months ago

It’s a damn shame your not updating anymore. Loved this one allot

7 months ago

Gonna say it author. I literally LOVE the story so far. But I’m going to have to drop it if you keep repeating sometimes up to multiple pages of past chapters in the paid ones. I don’t mind paying for chapters. But I do mind paying for chapters that are literally 1/4th the previous chapter. Basically making us pay to read part of the same chapter 2 times. Not cool. Again though. I do love the story

Sách này đã bị xóa
7 months ago
Replied to Monarch_Lord

It’s been stated multiple times that they can climb the wall. Idk if it’s stairs or a ladder but they can get on top

"Master! It looks like two cars are heading our way!" the tall and beautiful Li Wan-ning, due to her height, was the first to spot the off-road vehicles racing arrogantly towards them.

Apocalypse - Evil Shelter System

Apocalypse - Evil Shelter System

Sci-fi · AllenWorker

7 months ago
Replied to Cfmellow

I doubt author is a native English first language person. And even if author is misspeaking happens not ally. He might have meant assumed the form

After speaking, Alex leaped high into the air, transforming into the swallow form, and jumped off the city wall. Upon landing, he quickly shifted into the form of a tiger or leopard, speeding through the zombie horde towards the gymnasium.

Apocalypse - Evil Shelter System

Apocalypse - Evil Shelter System

Sci-fi · AllenWorker