Webnovel Author: LordDylz - Fanfic Collection



LV 3
2019-02-25 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 6

Moments 104


Life's greatest illusion is Innocence.

I gave a half-look, "No one is," before taking off to keep the heat off Thor's back… or not. Seems like he's more capable than I thought. 

The Vision

The Vision

Movies · QuackVader


I'm using Yen not Valis as shown in the show. It just makes the conversion easier as I can just google values.

"Alright." Corwyn hefted a heavy pouch of Valis. It was his pay for the day today, a good 45 thousand Valis (~350 USD, 12 hours of work, 28 USD per hour. Average Welder makes around 18-35 USD an hour).

Inspired Enchanter [Danmachi]

Inspired Enchanter [Danmachi]

Anime & Comics · LordDylz


Jman is in my opinion one of if not the best author on this site. His stories aren't for everyone, and I shy away from them at times when I'm in the mood for a more wholesome and not 'r-pe, pillage, conquer' vibe. I'm giving this a good review of 4.8 stars. Jman's writing quality is good. His updates are always consistent and I can rest assured that if I look away for a few weeks to a month or two, I can expect a decent load of chapters for me to bing. His story often develops in predictable and often tiresome paths, reminding me of Chinese Xiaoxia novels. If in Xiaoxia novels its 'third realm ping-pong jumps to first realm ding-dong, then first realm ding-dong to third realm ching-chong', Jman's stories are 'I got this p-ssy, but then got another better p-ssy. Also, look at this new gun. Also, look at this new p-ssy. Also, look at this new body that I designed in my lab.' Like I said, 'r-pe, pillage, conquer' is a Jman brand, and it can get annoying at times when wholesome interactions are desired, rather than the 'p-ssy-slayer 9000' modus operandi that his MCs often hold. This doesn't exactly detract from his story development score, as you don't order pizza when you don't feel like ordering pizza. In this case, I don't read Jman when I don't want to read Jman stories. Now, for this story inparticular, I've taken off a star in Character Design. This is where my personal bias comes in and I just flat out admit to not liking Mormont, nor the often repetitive 'bulking behemoth at age 13' view slotted into this story. I face faulted when I read that a child was already taller than most men, especially men in Westeros who should be around 5' 5'' at the tallest for small-folk and six foot at the largest for 'well-fed' nobles. Sure, he's a northerner, but it just rubs me the wrong way that he just 'obtained' his body without any actual visible trials seen my the readers and one not possible by preview of the genetic lottery. There was some asinine explanation of hormones doing it, but it just drags on a man's psyche. For world building, its GOT or ASOIF, so I can't give a lower review than 5. Anyway, 4.8 stars, cool novel, I was hoping for the Overlord novel tho'.

Replied to Orthanos

Technically a fan of the Ink Spots, but same difference I guess as JT used those lyrics in their rap. Not that I'm not a JT fan, but the inspiration was from the OG.

His shoulders were covered by a pair of combat armor pauldrons, while his right arm was covered in a similar bracer while the left covered by a Pip-Boy. A gorget protected his neck with the numbers 666 emblazoned in red lettering on the green paint. On the side of his green helm was a faded red cross, along with the words 'I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire' in white before being underlined by 'Just Want To Start A Flame In Your Heart' in a poppy neon green outlined by red; plasma green and laser red.

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

Video Games · LordDylz


Cough, Cough, I'ma just 'borrow' all this, okay JMan?

Ult's body hadn't been seeing much work due to him using a majority of rare components and materials creating Alt's frame and structure, from the gold-platinum alloy bones, to the synthetic muscles that were made of a shape-memory alloy he'd used a massive amount of resources to both invent and manufacture for the slowly shaping up musculature for both of their bodies. Then there was a nearby bench with what looked to be a skin suit, of which was actually a Heavy-Real skin, a synthetic skin that could outright shrug off low calibers while actually enhancing certain tactile sensations without being deliberating.

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

Video Games · LordDylz



'How my Charisma Score is 7 when I'm ugly as sin and such a social recluse, I'll never know.' Although, for most Ghouls a 7 would be human's...4? So maybe that was accurate. Besides, his body wasn't that bad, if one ignored the charcoal black skin that'd been melted and the glowing blue cracks and crags in his skin.

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

Video Games · LordDylz


I was looking up how many intelligent glowing ones there are, and found that two cannon ones in the games, Jason Bright and that Oswald guy up in Nuka-World. Other games also had them, but they were more knock off fallout games, so I'm not really sure if I should count them. Still, Int Focused Glowing Ones = Very Rare.

"I know there's more like me out there, but out of the billions of people that died in the Great War, our population must be in the not point zero zero zero zero something. Those that are still sapient likely don't have the same mutations that allow their minds to be as intact as my own, as all Ghouls have differing mutations." The man sighed, although it sounded like something dying.

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

Video Games · LordDylz



He wore nothing more than a wife-beater shirt, areas of the thin article glowing blue, especially strong around where his heart would be located. His arms and shoulders were also covered in cracks and seems of glowing blue.

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

Video Games · LordDylz



Charcoal black skin that looked like it'd been melted against a harsh face, with twin glowing blue eyes staring down at her. Cracks in his skin and face leaking a blueish green turquoise that she idly associated with a greener version of cherenkov radiation. The sclera of his eyes were a pitch inky black instead of the normal white, and his lips were all gone, as was his nose. The man's teeth also glowed that same blue-green color.

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

Video Games · LordDylz


While re-reading, I realized I accidently choose the number 47, which in no way is an intentional reference to the agent by the same numbers.

"Hmm, you should be online. Huh, just realized I haven't given you a name. Hmm, what to call you. Can't exactly call you Project Number Forty Seven. How about something simple? Something mythological, perhaps? No, no, too gaudy, too grandiose. No offense, but I've been trying to avoid a God Complex for quite some time. Far too cliche. What indeed; Technically I've been referring to your project as ML, or Machine Lifeform, but that doesn't work well either." The voice was a harsh and raspy one. Her auditory sensors and a collection of data told her it was a male voice and had likely been smoking his entire life.

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

Video Games · LordDylz


What Ivan didn't say here was that by forcing them to bend down, you also inspire them to outright take it by force; so always keep your plasma pistol at hand. However, he didn't feel like telling that to a Raider.

The man nodded, "For chems? No. If you want my chems, you need to pay up with shit I'm actually interested in, not some pieces of tin or paper that fluxes in value every decade. A drawback of living so long, eventually you figure out nothing has value except the things you personally care for. Trick is to make the things you care for valuable for others so that they have to bend down to your wants and needs for them to get theirs. Bartering in the most basic of senses."

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

Video Games · LordDylz


I really like the laser pistol btw, at least this model of it in the image. Its chunky and stubby than the impractical hand-rifle the game's pistol is. It actually reminds me of a lasgun from 40k, except smole.

One was a boxy and stubby looking Laser Pistol, and the other was a more rugged and sturdy looking Plasma Pistol than the models shown in magazines. On his back was a billowing scientist's coat, stark white due to the rain that was pelting it, foiling any dust building up in the reinforced and well-taken care of fibers. Underneath that was a sturdy looking assembly of armor and Kevlar, knee-pads, dark black boots shining in the spotlight affixed to the tower and a pair of glowing blue lenses glaring up at them from the mask of the Riot Helmet.

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

Video Games · LordDylz



One was a boxy and stubby looking Laser Pistol, and the other was a more rugged and sturdy looking Plasma Pistol than the models shown in magazines. On his back was a billowing scientist's coat, stark white due to the rain that was pelting it, foiling any dust building up in the reinforced and well-taken care of fibers. Underneath that was a sturdy looking assembly of armor and Kevlar, knee-pads, dark black boots shining in the spotlight affixed to the tower and a pair of glowing blue lenses glaring up at them from the mask of the Riot Helmet.

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

Video Games · LordDylz



One was a boxy and stubby looking Laser Pistol, and the other was a more rugged and sturdy looking Plasma Pistol than the models shown in magazines. On his back was a billowing scientist's coat, stark white due to the rain that was pelting it, foiling any dust building up in the reinforced and well-taken care of fibers. Underneath that was a sturdy looking assembly of armor and Kevlar, knee-pads, dark black boots shining in the spotlight affixed to the tower and a pair of glowing blue lenses glaring up at them from the mask of the Riot Helmet.

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

Video Games · LordDylz


The bandolier's are full of energy cells, not bullets tho.

His shoulders were covered by a pair of combat armor pauldrons, while his right arm was covered in a similar bracer while the left covered by a Pip-Boy. A gorget protected his neck with the numbers 666 emblazoned in red lettering on the green paint. On the side of his green helm was a faded red cross, along with the words 'I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire' in white before being underlined by 'Just Want To Start A Flame In Your Heart' in a poppy neon green outlined by red; plasma green and laser red.

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

Video Games · LordDylz


This ain't the best image of the Ranger Armor I've found, but I think I've done a good enough job with describing the outfit that you can fill in the blanks. White science coat instead of the duster, 666 in place of 100, and then there's the markings.


His shoulders were covered by a pair of combat armor pauldrons, while his right arm was covered in a similar bracer while the left covered by a Pip-Boy. A gorget protected his neck with the numbers 666 emblazoned in red lettering on the green paint. On the side of his green helm was a faded red cross, along with the words 'I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire' in white before being underlined by 'Just Want To Start A Flame In Your Heart' in a poppy neon green outlined by red; plasma green and laser red.

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

Video Games · LordDylz

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