"Perhaps," Narcissa set down her cup with precise movement, "if Draco spent less time complaining about Potter's friends and more time observing his abilities, we might have been better prepared for this development. The boy is in Slytherin, after all. We should have expected... ambition."
Book&Literature · Drinnor
Potter's getting special treatment again. Ministry officials came to Hogwarts just to meet with him! Amelia Bones herself was there. It's completely unfair - I'm a first-year like, but he is the only one getting treated like he is important.
Book&Literature · Drinnor
Lefebvre quickly shouted to stop him, "I was just saying, I didn't mean to—"
Book&Literature · Johanssen10
The car:
Before she could finish her sentence, perhaps due to an accidental touch from sitting uncomfortably, the seatback suddenly reclined, causing her body to tilt backward abruptly and interrupting what she was about to say.
Video Games · chenc
The vehicle: Only the master may touch me
"After conducting some inspections, the vehicle's chassis lifted on its own, as if the machine spirit was inviting me underneath. But when I went under, for some unknown reason, I ended up angering the machine spirit and got pinned beneath the vehicle."
Video Games · chenc
Crime rate after Allen takes over:
Gwen slapped her forehead. "If Allen were to watch over the prisons, the crime rate would drop by half."
Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen
Oh, I see, she's telling me not to let go.
Video Games · chenc
Yolanda seemed to have modified her body's fluid circulation. As she spoke with a trembling voice, struggling to articulate her words, one could see an unusually large amount of translucent saliva clinging between her lips and teeth. Much of it flowed down along the tip of her tongue, which was naturally hanging slightly out of her mouth, or directly overflowed from the side of her pale pink lips.
Video Games · chenc
Looking back she simply said, "As soon as you have finished your breakfast, you are to go to my office and wait for me there. And it's Headmistress Marchbanks to you... Al-bie!"
Movies · Miguelho
Harry didn't even look up from his porridge. "Funny how your father hasn't done it then, Malfoy. Must be too busy polishing his peacocks."
A Nundu for A Pet
Book&Literature · Drinnor