The author is giving way too much attention to the info dump in every chapter and their day to day life of every character instead of the story progression and even a single breakthrough of mc is taking such a long time so that the author can have everyday's word count get fulfilled... in the end even story now feels subpar as the author don't have any interest in the story except milking money out of it's readers
yes and sometimes neutral
hope so and i am talking about the first part and definitely not the second part. if possible, make him lose his v card along with it as this never losing v card plot has also gone too long.
Sách này đã bị xóa
Author, i am truly tired waiting for something major to happen to mc. You have unnecessarily made losing his v card hard along with the other useless techniques of the mc requiring way too high resources and even all these techniques doesn't have much use now
Sách này đã bị xóa
Author, this novel is too good, story, characters, etc are all good but just one complaint that I have is that too much info dump of far future is given in every chapter
truthfully after all those power ups and hypes and if he truly missed this opportunity to that girl due to this lousy illusion then this is one nasty way to have him nerfed down
author don't make rely too heavily on his ancestors
The story pace is too slow and him not telling her that her boyfriend is cheating on her now makes it even more slow
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it should be in pound.
I am in debt of 20 billion and I work in the entertainment industry!
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