medical care is free even if a doctor visits your home
they got sacrificed to open the hell road
This wasn't just about survival. Destroying Slaughter City had been my intention from the beginning. Not because its inhabitants were criminals, but because this place represented the first trial of the Asura God's position. Its eradication was a necessary step on my path.
Book&Literature · Zentruz
iIdont. get it in the UK we. play full contact rugby from 7 or 8 years old
This eliminated heavy physical contact and significantly reduced the risk of injury. Andrew thought this was garbage, but he didn't complain since the format wasn't going to change just because of him.
TV · Nathe07
as in the cat sized ones?
It appears my stay here will be extended for a while. It will take some time for Vezofina to grow, protect herself, and utilize her healing powers. Vezofina may not possess Fawkes' teleportation abilities, but she has healing flames, a lesser version of her tears. The choice of healing powers over teleportation was not mine to make; it lies in the hands of the world and magic. They determine whether a phoenix will be born and the powers it will possess. As Vezofina grows, she will become more powerful than Fawkes and reach the size of smaller dragons.
Book&Literature · Daeranyx_Drakonar
I'm already rewriting the whole thing 😁 think I'll post a few chaps at a time
been thinking of if carry on iIneed to do a big time skip and hop back in flashbacks about what went on cause there's so many storylines going on at once but if i do them as realms it would free up some of the continuity issues i kept hitting, like tru blood and twilight vampires and the originals, they couldn't be the originals if Lilith was a vampire, i have written a few chaps of what I'd do for the Harry Potter series and a idea i had of GOT but it was more of a crack fic 😂
that hits deep
Except for a few people, finding that almost all people my age were still immature and unable to perceive a future outside of high school, even though we'd already graduated nearly 10 years earlier, and yet they were still slowly killing themselves by doing/selling drugs and partying every night.
TV · Shane_Town
See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule
hahahaha I've got 2 kids I'm 31
As Vahn was thinking about the best form the take, he remembered his earlier interaction with Lili and wondered if it was even possible for him to transform into a Pallum. Drastic physical changes would generally take a very long time, but Vahn figured it would be possible if he put in a lot of effort. He knew that, at some point in the future, he would likely end up in a physical relationship with Lili and had been very 'concerned' about the matter for some time. Now that she was living in the Manor, Vahn's thoughts would wander to the various girls and their future interactions. Though she would probably 'complain', Vahn wanted to be able to take a smaller form for her benefit...
Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
Anime & Comics · Einlion