It seems you got chp 22 and 21 mixed up, you should swap them and fix that.
You also need to work on your grammar if you really think there are no errors...
You have the tag "thestringactingweak", but the tag you should have is masochist.
Oh, one last thing, you didn't mention it happened to the mc, that's kind of a big deal.
I didn't even register there were 4 stars there until you told me and I went back to look.
You're right I should of somehow known what the four stars were...
Wish you would of told us what the trigger warning is about so we don't have to read to find out what your definition is. Not sure what the appeal is to doing that to your mc...
I liked it when he finished his revenge and cut all ties. This chap ruins that... I guess I should have been prepared for this though based on the title.
Sách này đã bị xóa
You need to stop changing pov's so often and retelling the same thing you've already done, there are better ways to do it... Whelp, good luck.
A entire chapter of talking, consider me impressed. This is one of the many things that hold eastern novels back from being great.
Heavenly World of Killing: I Can Extract Everything!
Fantasy · OmniPrime