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I love sci-fi.

2019-01-06 đã tham gia United States
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Moments 5
3 years ago
Replied to zd4zada


3 years ago
Replied to RogueSilver

does it matter what you say? I enjoyed the book either way, even though I have read both they both have major differences. even if they have small similarities that means nothing special for me. as long as its a good read. I am good to read it!

3 years ago

I would say something great but thats not needed, this writer has written a book to truly learn from even with the small grammar issues and some small work breakages. one can truly admire the world built upon these words. The overall story is great 👍 .

4 years ago
Replied to RogueSilver

say what you want but my review is an honest one and I will not change it because you are being toxic. I will only change it when I reread the book and find the work even better than before because he knew what to go back and fix! Those who truly support the book should support it in an honest way! Otherwise It just makes the author you support look terrible! By putting berating quibble on an honest review. As for the Resources you have available... It seems you lack use of them! If you click my name you can see, I am an author also. I have written a title of my own. I would be utterly honored for this author to come to my book and honestly give his/her review! Good or bad! That is the point of the review box! Not for fans to berate other honest reviews off the page so the book looks like nothing But a five star. That helps the author none when they have errors that need attention, It is better to aim for their true thoughts! That helps as much as a five star, They may see a better idea when going back for a simple addition!

Sách này đã bị xóa
4 years ago

I rather enjoy the premise of the story from the synopsis and the first chapter but when reading i get lost... the grammar is correct punctuation correct. but it is evident that you are missing key words like adjitives and nouns inside your explanations. otherwise once you are used to mentally filling in those words it gets easier. Good book👍

Sách này đã bị xóa
  • The Silver Universe. original

    The Silver Universe.


    "FOR THE PENGUIN." when I opened my eyes that morning. I felt it, in the angst on the drive it hung over me like a ghost. I was Twenty Six With a Good Job Yet, Here I am At the end of my career that Honestly I truly wanted. I was asking for freedom but couldn't find it. I worked through the day only to face my own worst case scenario. it Stopped me for a while but I still feel confused? So, don't show up for work on Monday like... what do I do with my life now? I looked around at the world from my own eyes. what do I need, Well nothing? what do I want, hell I want everything! I noticed an Ad playing on a holovid that took my attention. It was a pathetically sad Attemp. I Turned To Walk Into the shop and Saw The owner It looked at me with its Dead empty eyes. It seems they can't Replicate the same look of a soul in the eyes of an A.I Droid. "How may I help you?" I Scoffed as I checked my account on My Phone last check was issued today, it was meager and spent on bills already. I looked at the Droid in Disbelief as Insignificant thoughts went through my head. I was broke with just forty-five credits. this is it, I Lost completely This Time. " May I suggest you Try Our Raffel? If You are Down You May Just Get Luck... Luc... Lucckieee." The A.I Droid Stuttered as His Eyes Gleamed With A certain Glint That Wasn't exactly Human! " Let Me Tell You Human Welcome To The New Universe. One Made in perfect Replication To Our Now Golden Universe, You can Be One of the Few AlPha Tessss...testers. Just Be Over Joyed For You Have Been Accepted By The Predecessors as one Of their Guinea.... I Mean one Of Their Chosen." The Droid Flicked It's Head Sideways Before Falling To the Floor The People around The Store Stopped and Began To Look at Us. I Looked around But no one else Seems To Have Seen What I saw!? I Left the Store With a headache Walking To My House The City Seemed so Large, Ominous, and yet Void! It was Wierd I Remembered that I was Going Home The Streets Were Broken down. I heard Screams And Such But Nothing registered ASAP. The World Was Like Static I made it to my Apartment Somehow it was a Large Complex Nothing Felt Off Beside The Feeling of Shaking. I Felt Weightless as I went Into my apartment and saw some thing was Not Right My Bed was Missing and In its Place Was a large Silver Pod. It Looked Like a Coffin it was Humming, Chiming And I'm Absorbed in that Tone That Damn hum Called to me. I Crawled Over To It as the Weightless feeling Began To Spin the Room. Sealing the Deal The Top Of the Pod Reacted to my Hands. The Large Pods Top Disappeared As If the Metal lid Dissolved Like water. As I Lifted Myself Too quickly My Stomach Emptied and The Weightlessness rolled me over. I Fell Asleep Landing in a soft warm Feeling I felt The World Wash away. The Dream Was Hot Like actual Heat, The Feeling of Overwhelming slowly faded. I felt The Colors Passing me Blue Lit the Void With a Soothing Yet Sad Feeling. I was Asked a question that I wasn't sure how to answer. the blur accepted my answer, Yet I never knew I gave one. Pink Filled The Void With Warm Heartedness And Joy Like a Pair Of wings. That Seemed To Appeal to the Question that was Asked as The Next Color Was Black. that As Followed By Green, Red, Black again, Orange, Yellow, And The Last Was Grey. Each Color Present Came a question That I never truly answered but Fuck It I Went With It Until the Void Filled Until It was Bright White. A Voice Came Into My Consciousness It was Not soothing Very Mechanical, Rough, Rugged, and Metallic "Welcome To The Silver Universe Online, This Introductory article will be the only Information you are Able to receive. Please Speak To a Registered Terminal Interface A.I For Further Support in that Regard. After You are Able To Percieve High Information. Now To Begin!" His Voice Sharpened before It Went Quite, A Bubbling Sound Apeared Inside my Head. Another Voice That Sounded Melodic

    2 Chs 4 sưu tầm

  • Ascendancy of Amethyst. original

    Ascendancy of Amethyst.


    He asked me this morning. Something I couldnt Quite Explain let alone understand.... Said A Dull aged women. The mother With silver hair and Blue eyes qued as She sat down next to a gruff White bearded man. She recanted the question. "What is an Ascending Will, and what can ascendancy do?" The Gruff man thought as his Black Eyes Looked at the sky He spoke To the woman with a warm Smile. The Boy is a weird one it seems. When you see him again Explain. Ascendancy is as if a king was to have a child and that child gained the throne. That prince would be the ascending heir. That is if you see him again... The man looked out into the Dark As the Void Floating around Their small plot of land rippled. Millions of streams of lights Swirled and Streamed By as the couple Sat. The Mother with silver hair And bright blue eyes Shifted as Her gaze found something of interest. Her dress Made no noise as she stood and peered into a light. The man Laughed as his Soul Seemed distant. She Opened her mouth as the Moment held and Giggled while Time resumed her laugh echoed as time Changed with the core cause being that echo. The man's Mind Vacant yet Present Forced knowledge into the Change as he Lost his last and faded. The woman Flicked her hand As a Spark Flew from one Light to another before crashing into a small Universal light. The smarks hidden in Shadowed void and peppered the world as the lights of the woman faded. As did the mother With warm eyes those lifeless unblinking that faded With her last breath.

    11 Chs 0 sưu tầm

  • An Under rated Skill [Taming] original

    An Under rated Skill [Taming]


    Today I Awoke To a simple Fact, That is Yesterday I died. Don't worry about it though because I get to live again. I didn't meet Any gods or Special beings that gave me any cheats, Nor did They give me a manual. I just know I have all my memories of my last life. My name Was... you know what it doesn't matter now because my name I have opened my eyes and adjusted to my new ears to! It's Rin Silver, Second child of the Silver family. My Father Roland Silver, is a knight Whom was injured in the line of duty. My Mother Gina Silver, is a Mage Blade General of the royal family. My brother Is Three and I am Currently 12 Minutes old While my sister was born After me By that short time. Everything Flooded into my mind making it hurt as the Knowledge of an entire life Drowned my Small mind. It rocked me to my soul Causing me to cry, Soon after me was my sister Whom was now Set next to me. I counted the Minutes going by As I took in the future I now had! It's not like I left much behind all those I cared for are well off now, and I died in an extremely embarrassing way. So I have no reason to return That's not My problem, the issue is I don't want to grow up! I do want to live forever since dying once is more than enough... I could have been summoned Or something like in the Light novels! Instead I was reborn cursed to roam as a baby Until Further notice! At least I know there is magic, technology, Aliens, And so much more! I mean if this hospital I am in is Any indicator, Then this is just the beginning of a simple Life in a new world!

    7 Chs 3 sưu tầm

  • The Avalon Of Nemorinsis, Umbra Of The Silver Abyss original

    The Avalon Of Nemorinsis, Umbra Of The Silver Abyss


    Fantasy. Science. That which is scientific can sometimes feel magical. familiar or even unfamiliar. Anything can be explained with proper knowledge. Familiar knowledge of all that is known. Life, death, time, and emotions. These things run rampant, taking advantage of the unexplained. Sins birthed from emotions contained power rivaled to a God! God's were born from time. Cycles of life and death governed times mortality through length rivaled by emotions. Thus created through battle mounting the First child's shoulders with war. So fourth was Creation through destruction and War, now governing over the creation was a foundation of destruction. Creation of cycles. Therefore the battle between positive and negative dimensions made an active change. Amounting to A bang. The Bang Big enough to forge Essence! The Big Bang The Center Of All That Is. The answer of Mortality the creation of creature. The birth of a Singulair Universal Essence. With her birth came Restrictions, The first born the first organism, Her name Not uttered. Loneliness born from godliness as she Grew and wilted only to rebirth and repeat. Behind her Restriction where the problem was Raw energies that thundered without control. As she toiled with the energies She would come to regret her Loneliness. Thrust upon the child of essence she carried thoughts akin to creation its self. And she had now made the decision to become a parent! these new essences created by this Singulair woman brought about by Powers clashing. What had Brought about Natural Creation. was now meeting unnatural creation the force of conception. Therefore Garnering Her a name Gaia Mother of creation. In new light this mother, the Governing Figure of The universe. The woman's Creation Would be one of the Gravest Mistakes that Any Singulair being can make. The Creation of emotion. Creature's Spawned Forcing about Evolution. Evolution Spawned Humanity And as such born from that Single Mistake. Was Infinite Cycles of Creation and destruction. All across Time Mother Gaia was forced to Endure the Torture of her Mistakes Alone. That is Fate brightened by essence. unable to see through Fates cruel plans. She Could only waiver as time went on. Unable to determine Fate. With time Came Creations Machinations. One day Gaia found Another That The Fate was blurred for. It was Unfamiliarity to her constantly familiar life. The Hero was born from Pure Need and as such an Avalon Of Heroes willed into existence through A New Essence. Mana. Any form of entertainment was welcome as Gaia found herself genuinely thrilled by these creatures called Heroes. Willing her thoughts into this Essence called mana. She Found ways to interact, Thus creating a new mysterious relationship. As her and this mysterious entity willed Their way through The eons. She grew Tiresome of just playing. Thus creating the Story of The Heroes and Villains. Forged From the will Of Gaia and the Mysterious Entity. Their story Began across All of time. Across all of the known Dimensions. Enticing Creationism from Heroes Forged Uses for Power across all Time. In one place a Small Little orb Silver in color with an Essence so deep That it Carried an Abyss inside of it. Slipping through Cracks In each dimension across all of time. A voice creaked into existence. " I created This And As such I will Give my will to the cause. Let my Will become the Avalon! The Paradise Of our Dead I Shall Govern That To Lesson your burden! Mother of creation, Gaia! Father of Evolution, Humanity! I Shall help you both!" In the echoes of the Universe a man heard these words and began to weep at the Resolve of the one Who spoke it. His chuckle was feint though his will was shaken enough for him to be swayed and in his greed he touched that man's echo. He muttered to himself. "Nemorinsis..."

    15 Chs 1 sưu tầm

  • beast realms, Taming and cultivation. original

    beast realms, Taming and cultivation.


    Welcome to my mind, My name is... Well it was James Morrow, Right now I am not sure? We are experiencing this together as it seems. Let me explain before I get off topic. I was a seventy one year old man, And I died. Oh don't worry no fret, I died at an old age and of natural causes. Although the flood of white that washed over my soul made me feel warm, so I am not mad that I passed away. I had lived a fairly good life. In my younger years I was a hikikimori. Or as my family called me A neet. One day I found peace in being alone that is when I met her... The love of my life Janelle Morrow, My wife. We lived together until a few years ago, when she passed away from cancer. She lived till a ripe 60 and passed. We had two children that are presently two upstanding citizens. When I passed they were both so busy that neither one saw me. Oh, No, Its not a regret, I am happy they both cried for me but I told them to cut that sh*t out! Tears are best spent on someone who dies young, Or for mothers Who pass. I was just an old man who had made up his mind. And so peacefully, pridefully, And silently I died. Or so I thought? After I fell into my, what was supposed to be eternal slumber I awoke. I was appearing as a child I couldn't move to well, My hands were tiny. I felt cold and no one was holding me? I am just laying on the ground... Guess I am to die twice? My eyes shot open as I forced myself into moving Although my body didn't respond well I eventually got the ability to look up. Turns out I was in someone's arms... They were just cold and lifeless already. I assume it was my mother, She had tears frozen to her face and I was wrapped in a golden bubble with a pink blanket. Looking around more I saw a stone statue in fact I saw a row of them, This face I had seen it before somewhere? The statues so awe imposed stood clearly I looked around harder trying to figure out what was happening. To my dismay the statue in front of me broke, When it did I felt the pressure smash past me. its head fell to in front of me and my deceased family member. It had tears falling from its eyes or so I thought, As the rain smashed like a Wave. Beside the head was a stone plaque, On it were words I couldn't read. I don't know how long I stared into this words but nothing... I got to the bottom of the plaque only for me to see words I could read! I spoke them aloud within my mind loud and clear! "Rico Nemorinsis Silver, Here lies the founder of new catalyst." My eyes shone bright as I read that for some reason I felt like... Like I knew that name? After my mind settled my body began to shine!? I felt an audio play through my head like telepathy?! As it cleared I heard his voice clash into my mind. " Hi kid, Long time no see huh?" I cleared my throat to speak but only goo goo and some gas came out. I then had no choice to listen because he continued. "Don't talk man Its not like you can, I should start with this though Welcome to catalyst!" "This realm is only the beginning for you but you don't know that yet, As my heir of inheritance, I name you Shall name you Rin Nemorinsis morrow silver, anything you want to add?" I thought clearly in black and white, Such a long name... " Hey be respectful of your Great grandfathers will!" Grand father? Will? I rambled in my head as to an answer where had I heard this name before?! Who is who's great grandson? before I could think up a true storm he answered me. "this is the last of my power Little Nemo, But this is not the last of my will. In this world YOU and That little Sister You have are all that are left. I give you my name, Titles, And claim you as my Heir. Thus You are now the Heir, Nemorinsis Of avarice! Live with it! figure it out! Find Raven and celebrate your Tenth birthday well. I am Sorry It was you! But I am glad you lived long and well Sparrow."

    20 Chs 14 sưu tầm

  • umbrage system original

    umbrage system


    it's currently 2025, early September my name is tequilla Rico I go by the moniker Silver. to be honest today is the anniversary of the U.S.G. that's the United space government, all it did though was give an evil man ten years more of being an evil president. I am not aligned with them though as I am independent shipper a space ship captain to be exact, in order to explain I need to go back a few years. in the years 2020 Trump won a second term after such travisty, he laid claim to the stars and successfully completed that notion in 2021 with a space craft that could leave and enter our atmosphere. their issue was what came after they tried to use pilots of plains but was unsuccessful in that so, they tempted thousands to try. me and a few friends from social media played a game called elite and as pros we thought it funny and sent in applications and accidentally got hired. that was a government funded job to ferry people to and from the stations, it was a fair amount of time before I was allowed to do anything else although before they found people willing to sign a military contract they gave me a ship license and pilots license. I wasn't one of those people though the ones dumb enough to sign their lives away and become dogs of the military, so I went work less until in the year 2022 they legalized the ownership of a space vessel and started to shell out mass produced ships albeit millions of dollars the cheapest one was two million. I had a million in my bank so I sought a job I met a nice man he hired me as a pilot and partner for his company. I struggled Along side this man as we built a company i was in debt to him a million in the beginning I owned forty percent of the company for one year, but we worked our asses off and finally got a chance to prove our worth they produced the new tech that allows light speed. In early 2023 we had the capacity to commit to colonization, we started by delivery our company finally got its name Purple Crow delivery. we also made millions for half a year we made it even better than I thought I kept the original ship I named it crow, but not by not i expanded the fleet trained young ones. I became an engineer of ships and helped expand even more we began our second business Michael the man who made this possible for sick and gave me the company I mean 99.9% of it, so I did what any rich man would in late 2023 I sold the company for trillions. in early 2024 the president gained his title as U.S.G.P. gaining ten more years and two weeks later we were met by aliens. they gave us no choice about what came next though they told us we had one year and some odd change, as too our advance they told us that there is worlds beyond us and that in one year diplomats from all across the universe will meet with us to plan our engagement into universe. that leads me to early 2025, this is January our time there was millions of different races and we had too choose three too help us advance even further. in that moment between shaking the hand of the man who claimed to be a "kindler of umbrage" a screen appeared in front of every living human and animal even insects and parasites, even plants were included in this. that screen said and I quote, " welcome to the system of Umbrage May it's shadow encompass all. In the center of the universe, lie claim of the sentinels, the makers, and the regalia's. administrators of the system. unto all they tower over, and unto all they spread the Umbrage system." after that we got another screen which changed the fate of Earth from a random dot in the universe into a new speck of dust in an infinite expanse. .

    4 Chs 3 sưu tầm

  • Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft & Wizardry: The Legend Of the golden trio, Legends never die Stories always continue! original

    Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft & Wizardry: The Legend Of the golden trio, Legends never die Stories always continue!


    Harry James Potter. Ron Weasley. Hermione Granger. These three are the Gryffindor's Golden Trio who defeated that man He who shalt not be named the vicious vile, Lord Voldemort! it okay he's been dead for a while, I mean it's been years since the trio led the war. there is no one mage alive who can use magic that doesn't know Harry Potter or Gryffindor's golden trio, nor is there any wizard or witch who doesn't wish to be accepted into the godly school of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft & Wizardry. to date I was born 2008, it's now 2019 and I'm eleven there is some very weird stuff that's popular, and for some reason really old stuff is becoming popular again also. Its not easy for me to believe in a bunch of different stuff like fairy tales and such, although today is my birthday. I was born August thirty first as you can well guess what, that's today my friends! my name is Baxter Honeycutt, my dad calls me bax, and my mom calls me honey, I hope that Nick name never sticks though personally. they are muggle it turns out neither can use magic, or they can and haven't said anything to me.

    5 Chs 39 sưu tầm

  • [rank map for roguetamer!]not a book! but a MAP! original

    [rank map for roguetamer!]not a book! but a MAP!


    I'm a map, to be specific the map to a book called the Rouge Tamer! a story about a man originally named gallion storm. after having lost his formal name and life he turned out to live a punishment what punishment well they didn't give him the special reason or any information on becoming. Rin Animus Silver! he is a weak person who has fallen into a strong world. he finally got his happy Ness just to have it slip and realize they were just letting him enjoy a false peace! they who? he doesn't know who "they" are "they" are just the ominous "THEY"! he will try his hardest to be free as for, how he frees himself from fate? thats a conundrum of the battles to come!

    3 Chs 1 sưu tầm