Bersrkr - Profile



male LV 1
2019-01-09 đã tham gia United Kingdom

Huy hiệu 4

Moments 243



Description: Blessed by the prince of hell himself, your very soul and being have been changed. It is in your nature to indulge in the pleasures of the flesh, and your patreon has seen fit to grant you every tool you might possibly need. 

MHA Paragon

MHA Paragon

Anime & Comics · Black_Paladyn



Oliver was more than aware of how much the President wanted him to stay in the States and attend one of their hero schools or even bypass that and go straight to government work. But that never appealed to him. What appealed to him was being around the best so he could, without a shadow of a doubt, prove that he was the very best like no one ever was.

[MHA] Tattoo First, Save the World Later

[MHA] Tattoo First, Save the World Later

Anime & Comics · ALTFWARD



"A.P.O.L.L.O., play 'CHIHIRO' by Billie Eilish, open door three, brew a pot of green tea, and take the charcuterie out of the fridge, please."

[MHA] Tattoo First, Save the World Later

[MHA] Tattoo First, Save the World Later

Anime & Comics · ALTFWARD

Replied to 20thCenturyPharaoh

according to google, yeah.

Opening my eyes, I noticed several things very wrong. First I was definitely not in the middle east as I was currently surrounded by a forest of trees in all directions. Plus it was a very comfortable temperature, almost perfect seventy degrees with little wind going by. Then my senses quickly became overwhelmed as I could smell everything around me and hear what sounded like deer nowhere near my eyesight. 

Wolverine in The Boys

Wolverine in The Boys

TV · Anomander_Adaar

Replied to TheManUnderTheBed

ah fair enough

The stranger tried to bash Thorfinn in the face with his sword but Thorfinn shoulder barged him again and slammed his fist into his stomach, loosening his grip on the blade, however, Thorfinn couldn't avoid the kick the man sent and was sent tumbling into the opposite wall. The man then for some reason went back to Blaeja who was still on the floor watching in shock, he went to kill her again but Thorfinn hooked his arm around his sword arm and twirled him around before throwing him into the wall; he then ducked under a sword strike and cut the man's arm before being punched in the face. The blow dazed him a little and he couldn't avoid the slash of the man's sword as it grazed his stomach. Thorfinn grits his teeth in pain but keeps his head in the fight, he starts slashing his dagger against the man who is able to move back and avoid all the blows; Thorfinn is also able to avoid most of the other man's attacks by using his dagger to deflect the sword.

Fighting, Honour and Valhalla || Vikings x Originals x TVD Fic

Fighting, Honour and Valhalla || Vikings x Originals x TVD Fic

TV · TheManUnderTheBed


It's jarring when you switch tense, especially during a fight scene.

The stranger tried to bash Thorfinn in the face with his sword but Thorfinn shoulder barged him again and slammed his fist into his stomach, loosening his grip on the blade, however, Thorfinn couldn't avoid the kick the man sent and was sent tumbling into the opposite wall. The man then for some reason went back to Blaeja who was still on the floor watching in shock, he went to kill her again but Thorfinn hooked his arm around his sword arm and twirled him around before throwing him into the wall; he then ducked under a sword strike and cut the man's arm before being punched in the face. The blow dazed him a little and he couldn't avoid the slash of the man's sword as it grazed his stomach. Thorfinn grits his teeth in pain but keeps his head in the fight, he starts slashing his dagger against the man who is able to move back and avoid all the blows; Thorfinn is also able to avoid most of the other man's attacks by using his dagger to deflect the sword.

Fighting, Honour and Valhalla || Vikings x Originals x TVD Fic

Fighting, Honour and Valhalla || Vikings x Originals x TVD Fic

TV · TheManUnderTheBed


so you've skipped 2.5 years from Pearl Harbour then?

I was then shipped to Britain along with the first brigade of American soldiers that another Colonel was in charge of. However, I had the same rank but only my battalion reported to me. I along with the other Colonel and the British military planned the attack later known as D-day. 

Wolverine in The Boys

Wolverine in The Boys

TV · Anomander_Adaar


they have forests in the middle east

Opening my eyes, I noticed several things very wrong. First I was definitely not in the middle east as I was currently surrounded by a forest of trees in all directions. Plus it was a very comfortable temperature, almost perfect seventy degrees with little wind going by. Then my senses quickly became overwhelmed as I could smell everything around me and hear what sounded like deer nowhere near my eyesight. 

Wolverine in The Boys

Wolverine in The Boys

TV · Anomander_Adaar


house blackwood from the riverlands?

Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Game of Thrones: House of Tarth

Game of Thrones: House of Tarth

TV · marcoo


Aspeshaly - especially

Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Deleted for new work

Deleted for new work

TV · Man_Of_Earth


implementations - implication

Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Deleted for new work

Deleted for new work

TV · Man_Of_Earth

Replied to NewGothic

no worries

Đoạn này đã bị xóa
ASOIAF: Apotheosis

ASOIAF: Apotheosis

Video Games · NewGothic


youngest daughter Arya

Đoạn này đã bị xóa
ASOIAF: Apotheosis

ASOIAF: Apotheosis

Video Games · NewGothic


east of westeros

Đoạn này đã bị xóa
ASOIAF: Apotheosis

ASOIAF: Apotheosis

Video Games · NewGothic


Because Britain is the only country to have had an empire...

'The magical worlds naming convention is just stupid, or is this something that is just British?! I mean, these people are lunatics anyway. They went around stealing from everyone, and conquering people, all because they wanted spices.' I thought to myself, trying to understand what the fuck is wrong with some people. I seriously hate thinking about other people because they are all so difficult to understand!

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

Book&Literature · Ikaru5


thanks for the chapter

Sách này đã bị xóa


"The gods love you Thorfinn, no other man would be allowed such knowledge, but one god, in particular, will always protect you, feel honoured that you have earned her love," The Seer said to Thorfinn making him confused once again.

Fighting, Honour and Valhalla || Vikings x Originals x TVD Fic

Fighting, Honour and Valhalla || Vikings x Originals x TVD Fic

TV · TheManUnderTheBed

Replied to VXZD_ZD

"Shadow clones usually disperse once they are struck hard enough, but they have been shown capable of enduring injuries for a time." That's what the wiki said. Most fics I've read have them dispel if they take any damage, guess they can take at least a little bit.

The young man's eyes glowed as he observed the mansion while going through the memories he received. A smirk formed on his face as he thought, 'Not bad. Not bad at all! They set up a very good trap. The previous easy missions were indeed to lower my guard. If it was someone careless or arrogant, this trap would have been very successful. Now then…'

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

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