

female LV 5

I like playing games and read light novels and manga!!! I also like eating and music!

2019-03-19 đã tham gia United States
Huy hiệu 15

Moments 44
2 months ago
Replied to Tetractys

I thought it was a lighter

There was a strange-looking lamp on the paper. It was like a tiny water flask that had a candlewick extend out of its mouth.

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

3 months ago

I’m wondering if all they did was with illusions or something rather than the actual deed. At least that’s what I’m hoping. 😅

Upon seeing this, the sailors immediately laughed and said, "The chicks here seem pretty good!"

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

3 months ago

Was wondering but can’t Klein do what the City of Silver did? A group of outsiders building a town on the outskirts and someone introducing them to the area. He can just go to an area that Alger or Danitz has and get them to immigrate another group of people who are actually just marionettes. Wouldn’t that work?

If he chose this plan, it meant that Klein had to spend more than half a year or even a year on the ritual.

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

6 months ago
Replied to TheJollyGiant

I’m pretty sure she was a Beyonder way longer than that. Remember that she lied to Dorian that she wasn’t a Beyonder so she can become his student.

Yet, his student, Fors Wall, took about a year to go from Sequence 9 to Sequence 6.

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

8 months ago

Happy belated new yearrrr Thanks for all the chapters!!!

9 months ago

Huh. Why??? They literally got orders to look for the Crimson Imp and they are playing hooky. I guess it makes sense they aren’t looking for the imp since they literally left their original work to come to the tournament. But why specifically the Auction House??? I don’t even remember if they showed any inclination to go there at all in previous chapters. That’s honestly such a weird jump for me. Maybe next chapter it would be explained why.

"Let us pay a visit to the Auction House tomorrow…" Teresa whispered with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.

Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Fantasy · xlntz

9 months ago
Replied to WandererChris

Ooo maybe. But if it does grow tails, I wonder how though. There are a few stories where the fox has to live through a life threatening situation to grow one or get some kind of resource. 9 tails fox are so cool

One of them was a young Three-Tailed Fox, possessing one active ability and three inactive abilities. While Eustace felt a tinge of disappointment at the imbalance, he understood the potential of this creature like his current Moonlight Fairy.

Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Fantasy · xlntz

9 months ago

I guess he’s still a kid for pretty much just showing off his items like that or is bothered by how those two dismissed him. I’m fine with him showing his powers cause it just gives others a warning that they shouldn’t mess with him and it’s pretty satisfying to have him show off his abilities. And he’s in a safe environment as it is a school and has some backing to protect him. The items on the other hand, that was quite a dumb move. There are more powerful people outside right now and it’s better to hide the items he has unless he wants some arcanists steal the items. It’s a bit childish of him to show off his items just cause the others did the same. And I’m seriously wondering if there is some kind of item as a contract in that the appraiser and the manger can’t tell others about his items or such. I guess some of the others are hiding their appearance so I guess it’s more of a you kind of problem. But yeah. This is honestly quite childish of Eustace to do.

9 months ago

Noooooo only one chapter today. Sadness. Also I can’t remember this but is his new name one of the names he could have chosen from like Vale Chambers? Cause it sounds a bit familiar. Since he’s going rogue now, will we go back to his original name then, Kyle, or keep switching names? A little sad that there’s only one chapter today but thank you for the chapter!

10 months ago
Replied to MayUcee

Lol the time when he was volunteering during the time he was Sparrow. He originally came in as Sparrow but his infamous name was being spread already so he had to come up with a new identity to continue volunteering.

These included Klein with pain, Klein with arrogance, Klein with coldness, Klein with gentleness, Klein who could amusement himself, as well as Zhou Mingrui, Sherlock Moriarty, Gehrman Sparrow, and Dwayne Dantès!

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving