This is word for word a copy of harry potter and the daft morons of ff. If you are going to take someone else's work at least credit them for it. Daft morons is 84 chapters and 745k works of ff and last updated as of 2018 for anyone who wants to read it in full.
This is word for word a copy of harry potter and the daft morons of ff. If you are going to take someone else's work at least credit them for it. Daft morons is 84 chapters and 745k works of ff and last updated as of 2018 for anyone who wants to read it in full.
It would be Lord Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North. The only Lord Paramount are the Baratheons, Tullys, and Tyrells.
"'Dear Jon, I just arrived in White Harbour and met Lord Manderly. It was thanks to the help of one of your vassals, Jon. Lord Petyr Baelish of Baelish Keep is in the process of building one of the greatest Harbours in Westeros. I thought that you might be worrying about his lack of following your call, but he is currently occupied otherwise. He was honourable enough not to ask me for any favours, I didn't even need to pay one Copper Coin for the ride. He has ships that are larger than anything I have seen up to date and I Lord Baelish is a smart and promising young man. I am sure he will help you greatly in the future, Jon. I have sent out the ravens and called my Banners. If nothing else happens, I will ride south and meet you in a couple of moons. Eddard Stark, Lord of House Stark, Lord Paramount of the North.'"
Book&Literature · DaoistyD7lrI
Grimm would be a good one. The reason the grimm supernatural stay away from vampire is because they are to strong or something
2. Have another franchise in the novel, and if so, what would you choose? (Y/N/Comment)
Movies · DumbedDown
For anyone who doesn't know this is also posted on Questionable Questing or QQ.
* red dead redemption 2 through 1
Movies · Beans_on_a_tree
This Story is Meddling Giant by Cloud9Stories on
Sách này đã bị xóa
This is just Path to Ruin by Rictus over on Space Battles. If you copy work make sure to state that you did. Unless that is just the first chapter thats the same. Make sure you give credit where credit is due.
So, I didn't even notice that on PC, chapters are basically being blocked until like an hour ago, so I'll need to find an entirely new location to post my works, and I have NO idea where that might be, I will be checking out things, but if anyone has any suggestions as to they type of sites my stories would be accepted on, leave a comment and I'll try to get everything transferred over as soon as possible.
Anime & Comics · BeaulenSmith
Good job stealing other people's work and passing it off as your own.