well HP only has 7 years of material, and I wont even do all 7 years, maybe half. Then we move on to DxD while HP fades into the background
there is a chap today...
Author Note
Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda
Defence Against the Dark Arts
~DADA and Dueling
Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda
Bro that thing is a 1000 years old, Harry ain't touching it with a 10 foot pole until he is absolutely ready 🤣
The hibernation charm wasn't fully activated. So the basilisk had slowly starving for the last 50 years. In its very weak state, they could have easily defeated it. But such was their luck
Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda
reasonable and not reckless*
Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda
Even if it was statet, this is an AU world, i can change it all i want to fit my vision of events 🤣
So I have quite a lot of money. That I can't access. Goblins only Operate in Britain. And I'm not going back there until I am sure I can survive
Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda
I'm well aware, but they break curses and wards in old tombs to graverob them. Nothing is stated about having another bank branch in Egypt 😅
So I have quite a lot of money. That I can't access. Goblins only Operate in Britain. And I'm not going back there until I am sure I can survive
Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda
Thanks, but it was my first fic, made a lot of mistakes, its the worst i think from what i have written, but I'm glad you like it
Thats fine, actually im happy someone actually wrote a review with some points instead of ' I hate it, here is a one star'. Im still going with my idea of Harry. For the possessed part, this is HP/DxD, there are reincarnators all the time. Harry is 11 currently and i get the hate on British Wiz Community is off putting to some people, but thats how i see it, anyway wish you good luck with the next fic you read
HP/DxD: Raven
Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda