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2018-10-24 đã tham gia United States

Huy hiệu 27

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Replied to NitroMiyazaki

He also gets his unique skill that I’m sure helps

They were well on the way to accomplishing that. At their current pace of half a month per floor, it should take them a little over 4 years to clear Sword Art Online. It was a long time. And that prediction assumed they didn't suffer many setbacks. But it was a target, and all the players desperately needed hope.

Shattered: A SAO Tale (Sword Art Online)

Shattered: A SAO Tale (Sword Art Online)

Anime & Comics · Reis123


Then how could you have made abra remember the spot?

Misty furrowed her brows and glared at Ash, making him look back at the sea, "And also I don't know where she is"

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Anime & Comics · Katsu39


Twice you did the weird spoiler thing one after another. Just kills immersion and is repetitive

Meanwhile, the 3 walked over to the nearby port where they could have rented a boat, but spoiler, none of them knew how to drive one. So Ash let out Pidgeot and Charizard.

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Anime & Comics · Katsu39


7 or 8 similar? I assume ur trying to say they look alike?

After all, Hatake Satoru and Gojo Satoru are seven or eight similar, from a distance, it is difficult to see how much difference the two people have from their appearance, so they have already regarded Hatake Satoru as their familiar Gojo Satoru.

Naruto : Gojo Satoru Reborn As Kakashi's Brother

Naruto : Gojo Satoru Reborn As Kakashi's Brother

Anime & Comics · Yeye_Qiu


Why are you treating it like it’s a person



Inside the ball, Mewtwo looked around at the empty space with nothing but his memories with him, but then his vision began turning dark and he felt something crawling on him, Mewtwo's memories began to darken.

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Anime & Comics · Katsu39

Replied to Phoenix_Paradise

I think they won it the first year? And last year wasn’t mentioned but I don’t remember

Arabella changed the subject, "Let's drop Quidditch for a bit. What about the House Cup? You Ravenclaws really stole it last minute last year."

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz

Replied to Li_Cangtian

They have windows to the lake

Ethan quickly opened his window, letting the smoke and steam out as his sweating intensified. Ethan looked down at his palm, which had been burnt, and grabbed his wand with his left hand as he used whatever was left of his magic to ease his pain.

Harry Potter: Heir of Darkness

Harry Potter: Heir of Darkness

Book&Literature · SlyOW

Replied to Primordial

That would mean we associate or care what JKR think.

As they turned 11, the volatile magic within the child's body would experience a mutation, a change that would calm it down, thus congregating to form a stable core. This allowed magic to be probably anchored within the body, and to be accessed more easily through will, and more resistant to emotions.

Harry Potter: Heir of Darkness

Harry Potter: Heir of Darkness

Book&Literature · SlyOW

Replied to Kitty_Loves_Milk

Why didn’t you fix it

Artel said while munching on his food. "Don't pay attention to such nonsense. Every academy has produced its share of dark wizards, but Slytherin may have a bit more of a reputation. However, you should know that even Merlin was a Slytherin wizard. The academy isn't everything; what matters most is the wizard's own choices."

Harry Potter: The New Dark Lord Shelby

Harry Potter: The New Dark Lord Shelby

Movies · Kitty_Loves_Milk


Why are you treating tobi and obito as seperate people

Originally, Obito wanted to infiltrate the village alongside Tobi and create chaos after Zetsu found news about the Hyuga coup. However, when he thought the time was ripe, A massive barrier engulfed the village, but luckily, they were outside its range. Otherwise, all of them would have been trapped.

Naruto : Shadows of Resurgence

Naruto : Shadows of Resurgence

Anime & Comics · Silent_stiele

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