

male LV 11

I am a novel and fanfic reader and an amateur translator in his spare time.

2018-10-18 đã tham gia Brazil
Huy hiệu 9

Moments 106
4 days ago

Thanks for the chapters autor-san

1 months ago

When the author simply slapped Lily Potter in the face, my thought was this fanfic is different from the others, so far it's very good and I'm curious how the mc will develop the powers of the shadow monarch later Thks for charpter [img=recommend]

3 months ago

I must say that sometimes I feel deceived by novels that say that the protagonist is a being who has lived several other lives or that he is an ancient monster, simply because in the first chapters that you read the protagonist is actually an unripe fruit with his actions and attitudes that don't show even a little bit of his level of intelligence or mentality that he should have in this case? I think if he was supposed to behave like a beginner he should have simply forgotten or locked those memories and then recovered them later, as this would avoid this type of inconvenience when reading something expecting one thing and you receive something completely different, author-san se I've been reading my opinion, sorry for my real rant here hahaha, good luck and great reading to the readers, bye ;)

3 months ago

I really liked the fanfic, it's beyond many that are multiplying like rabbits with a harem theme on the site, but I didn't expect the author to use *clones* or as it was explained almost omnipresently, I think the story simply lost meaning for me at that moment, I'm not using this or saying that the story gets bad after that, it's just my opinion about using cloning skills or having multiple bodies to be able to satisfy your women or MC's time with them in this case, in my opinion it's a way I'm lazy to solve the problem in any way, I'm stopping here and leaving my humble opinion author-san, again the fanfic is very good, well written, but being an Ecchi story don't expect much development of the world or characters, bye bye ;)

4 months ago

Tkns for chapter

4 months ago

The original version is one of the best fanfics I've ever read, I was looking forward to the reboot and I'm glad it started, the author wishes you health and creativity to make this fanfic an improved version of the old one and an incredible story, as it won't be the same something about the original version for new readers, if you're unsure whether to read the old one or wait for the new one - I recommend you read the original because even though it's two different stories, it's still a very good fanfic, one of the best on this site... waiting for the new chapters ...

6 months ago

The theme is interesting, but the way it is executed leaves a lot to be desired, the chapters need editing. But more problematic than that, the MC's personality has nothing to do with Jinwoo, it seems that someone (generic) went into the body of the shadow monarch and now tries to live like him, and without intelligence too... Funny... I expected something similar to the DXD:Golden fanfic... and really if you include jinwoo it would make a very interesting finfic, I hope the author is successful in this endeavor hahaha