Webnovel Author: MasterOfTheDadJoke - Novel Collection



male LV 5

Wanted in 197 countries. Bout to be 198.

2018-10-12 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 10

Moments 1151



What was his story? What had shaped him into the person he was today? And more importantly... why did I feel this strange, inexplicable pull towards him, like a magnet drawn to its opposite pole?

MHA: Izuku Legacy

MHA: Izuku Legacy

Anime & Comics · XaviValentine



"Probably as ready as I'll ever be, but please be cautious. It's my first time," I replied, trying to keep the mood light.

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

Book&Literature · Ikaru5

Replied to UthredofBebbanburg

So you think he didn’t have the right to ask why they were waiting? Nah.

"Don't worry, lad. There are no dumb questions, only fools who don't ask. Your curiosity isn't a bad thing," John said, placing his hand on the boy's shoulder.

SuperSoldier (SI-OC/MCU)

SuperSoldier (SI-OC/MCU)

Movies · EmmaCruzader

Replied to UthredofBebbanburg


"Don't worry, lad. There are no dumb questions, only fools who don't ask. Your curiosity isn't a bad thing," John said, placing his hand on the boy's shoulder.

SuperSoldier (SI-OC/MCU)

SuperSoldier (SI-OC/MCU)

Movies · EmmaCruzader

Replied to Yel_Devi

I approve of this.


"Erect." I smirked as I resurrected all of them too.

In Marvel with Gacha

In Marvel with Gacha

Anime & Comics · Yogun_Van

Replied to scorpion678

Bears eat dead bodies too, don’t play dead or lie down.

Kato observed everyone around the table with a serious expression before finally speaking, "So the situation is as you've heard, an adult polar bear has infiltrated the borders of the village and we still don't know where it is, the only reason we even heard about this is thanks to someone from the patrol team who had managed to escape the bear attack, the others are all confirmed to be dead, if we don't quickly do something about this things are going to turn out really bad." he stated his tone and face not changing.

Avatar: The gamer

Avatar: The gamer

Anime & Comics · xXTheDarkOneXx


On the off-chance someone does encounter a bear IRL, DO NOT LIE DOWN. ALWAYS FIGHT BACK!!!! Bears are known to scavenge food and eat carcasses, so pretending to be dead just means you made its job that much easier.

Kato observed everyone around the table with a serious expression before finally speaking, "So the situation is as you've heard, an adult polar bear has infiltrated the borders of the village and we still don't know where it is, the only reason we even heard about this is thanks to someone from the patrol team who had managed to escape the bear attack, the others are all confirmed to be dead, if we don't quickly do something about this things are going to turn out really bad." he stated his tone and face not changing.

Avatar: The gamer

Avatar: The gamer

Anime & Comics · xXTheDarkOneXx

Replied to Aichi_Sendou_8125

He would be a lot of help in sexual crime though.

There's a pause, a moment of silence that seems to stretch out forever. And then, the voice speaks again, its tone hesitant. "My name is Theodore Robert Bundy," it says. "But most people know me as Ted Bundy."

I Can Hear a Serial Killer's Voice in My Head

I Can Hear a Serial Killer's Voice in My Head

Fantasy · TK_Selwyn

Replied to KallenEmilia

Huh, I didn’t know that. Cheers 🫡 Probably why they don’t taste as good as other lobsters.

"Then… I'll have three Australian lobsters." Zhou Jingyi took a look. They sold the lobsters individually for 888 yuan a piece.

First Day In Game, I Got Ten Billion From Infinite Number Of Check-ins

First Day In Game, I Got Ten Billion From Infinite Number Of Check-ins

Urban · Ironhead Calabash Brothers

Replied to Miguel_Rosalez


These were just his paranoia which his family always tried to convince him otherwise. His Mother often tried to set him up with girls she thought he would like, but Marcus didn't care. They eventually gave up on the idea of grandchildren since Marcus had checked out of relationships because of the terrible experiences other men had gone through. 

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234




Smirking at Peter, I gave him a slight wink while he just rolled his eyes and looked away; he may not know it, but among the boys, Gwen and Jean are considered the cutest girls in school, and he is currently dancing with both of them, I know the other boys are jealous. Of course, I didn't voice my opinions on the matter; I may be twelve years old like everyone else, but I had the mind of an adult, and I damn sure wasn't a pedophile.

Marvel's Black Steel

Marvel's Black Steel

Movies · Ozonelayer

Replied to Primordial_Saiyan

Nah, polearms are the best weapons

'I,' Loki drawled, 'would recommend that you use a spear.'

HP: Loki The Guardian of Harry

HP: Loki The Guardian of Harry

Book&Literature · Yggdrasil_loki



When he looked at the vault number, he had a strange feeling because it was number 69.

Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal

Replied to klaus_op


~You men are so lucky you don't have to deal with this crap every month,~ she used to say.

Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal

Replied to B0nfire

Good on you for calling him out bro 🫡🫡


~You men are so lucky you don't have to deal with this crap every month,~ she used to say.

Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal

Replied to Void_Erbus

Gotcha, though men do cheat more than women. Like, professional surveys have been done on this, and men always cheat more. Be wary of what you hear online, as there is always an agenda being pushed toward you.

These were just his paranoia which his family always tried to convince him otherwise. His Mother often tried to set him up with girls she thought he would like, but Marcus didn't care. They eventually gave up on the idea of grandchildren since Marcus had checked out of relationships because of the terrible experiences other men had gone through. 

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234

Replied to Void_Erbus

Firstly, your initial reply seemed quite defensive, seeing as you made a rebuttal that actually did not collide with my point. I thought you had a knee-jerk reaction and instantly decided to rebut my argument based on a hasty assumption. Secondly, statically speaking, men are more likely to cheat than women, and do cheat more than women. Thirdly, it was never my intention to make people feel like ALL the blame is on them for relationship problems. Of course, the cheater or the betrayer is at fault. What I was arguing against was people deciding to blame ALL women or decide to never get into a relationship due to the mistakes of a small percentage. I don’t stand by that, and I think true masculinity lies in recognition of morality and justice, whilst also living for yourself. Thus, live for yourself and your own enjoyment, but help the people you care about, stand up for people who cannot speak as loudly as you, and above all, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. You can’t blame everything wrong with the world and your life on another person. There’s a moment in which someone should decide, ‘ok, time to reflect, and move on.’ They were the problem? It’s your responsibility to DECIDE to LEARN from it. Fourthly, bland moments in a relationship are inevitable. Doing something interesting, whether it’s visiting a new area or doing a new activity together, often helps to reignite that flame. Ask yourself, ‘what made me like them in the first place?’ Beyond that, loyalty during trying times is a value I think most people should look for. If you trust your partner, this shouldn’t be an issue correct? At least for me, when I felt that things were a little slow, it was weird because when we met up together, we both had surprises for each other. So whilst I was brainstorming how to make things exciting, so was she! That trust is what I look for personally, just as an example. P.S. Sorry if this came off as rude, sometimes being direct is the best way to convey a point. P.S.S. Hope that last part helps, homie!

These were just his paranoia which his family always tried to convince him otherwise. His Mother often tried to set him up with girls she thought he would like, but Marcus didn't care. They eventually gave up on the idea of grandchildren since Marcus had checked out of relationships because of the terrible experiences other men had gone through. 

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234

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