Eldritch - Profile



male LV 14


2018-10-06 đã tham gia United States

Huy hiệu 17

Moments 164

Replied to Jazpex

If it couldn't before Sean, it definitely can now. Though it is pretty much Pokémon Jesus, so I don't think there's much to worry about .

Mew had already visited much of this Earth. It hadn't branched out to the surrounding space or planets yet but there wasn't a 'region' on Earth that Mew hadn't 'Mewed' in so far! Sometimes back to back to back! Those 'European' regions were so close together that it was simple for Mew to hop across the 'borders' and let out its trademark cry.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy

Replied to Mid_Midas

Isn't the plot of Legends Arceus that she goes back in time?

"I am not Dawn. My name is Akari Platinum. It is a pleasure to meet you." She says with a slight bow. Platinum?

Pokemon - Solo's Strange Journey

Pokemon - Solo's Strange Journey

Video Games · BenisBoy14

Replied to Argent_Evergarden1

Yes, they are vertebrate animals

"Hey, Fukasaku. A question, do frogs have spines?"

Streamer in the Omniverse

Streamer in the Omniverse

Anime & Comics · Calleum_Artori

Replied to SamiOyakodonLover

Probably Lunar Edomae

As Alfonzo got closer to his mansion's gate, the identity of the silhouette on the ground solidified in his mind more and more. And when he made eye contact with the beautiful young woman with pink eyes and hair tied into twin tails, a petite figure, and a yellow fish tail in place of legs, his hunch tuned into certainty. 

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029


The correct conversion pleases me... thank you, kind author

Naturally, the thing I first took a look at was the Houndour habitat, since it was the most recent change/addition to Utopia. I saw that its final size had ended up being 0.64 km². 640000 m² was big enough to give all 1541 of them some space to hang around, and there was more room to run if they simply stepped out of their habitat.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


Here... too sooth your eyes


[A/N: Well, Jin already has Tigress, right? So, we can't leave my boy, Po hanging like that. So, I decided to give him the snake. Heh, imagine a panda and a snake doing 'that'. Fuck, I can't get it out of my brain now. At least, you guys will suffer with me!]

Chronicles of the Multiversal Wanderer

Chronicles of the Multiversal Wanderer

Movies · SlimeSage


We haven't seen any angels yet...

Well, even I know little about my mom; she rarely shares what she is, and the only thing she told me was that she was the last of her species, and that they were going to die with her.

My Servant System

My Servant System

Fantasy · Ketsueki_Hasu


But his blindfold... how?

"Wait, I should have done this before but let me take my top off. That way, the only thing that'll get wet again is my sports bra," she said. She took off her thin but modest hoodie, and she didn't miss the way Naruto's eyes flickered from her exposed midsection and travelled all the way up to her bra-covered bosom before quickly turning away with a blush on his ears.

Naruto Hagoromo: Rinnegan no Kami

Naruto Hagoromo: Rinnegan no Kami

Anime & Comics · LostSamurai1974


Fantastic books btw

So Fleur did the next best thing, channeled her inner Miss Marple and endeavored to pierce the secret of that overly confident little boy.

HP: Eagle Soars

HP: Eagle Soars

Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH

Replied to PrimordialDemiurge

In Arithmancy and magic as a whole, numbers have both additional meaning and power. One of the most powerful and meaningful numbers would be the number seven.

There were numerous reasons Harry wanted the Time Turners unusable. The main reason however was that Harry could detect that they were ridiculously unstable and their very existence was a threat to anyone around them. That was one of the two reasons he was only taking one. The second reason was that he calculated that an infinite time loop may not properly generate if there were not enough Time Turners breaking at the same time and he wasn't confident it would work with thirteen as he would fourteen. Fourteen is a far more magically capable number after all.

Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer

Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer

Book&Literature · GnomeBob


Gon and Rayleigh*

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The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob

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