geet_bohra - Profile


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love myself most

2018-09-25 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 5

Moments 12


I don't know why every time everyone is trying to hide everything from everyone?wth.🤣🤣😂😂

She was in deep thought. Dakota was Rio's longtime friend and they became friends when she met Rio and became his girlfriend. if there is someone who knew her very well and all the things about her past, then that would be Dakota. He definitely knew the reason why Cherry-Ann left Demetrius and chose to marry Cole instead. But he can't tell anyone, not even Rio unless Cherry-Ann decided to reveal everything.

The Great CEO's Wife is a Gangster

The Great CEO's Wife is a Gangster

Urban · Ethereal_Light37


sorry author but which have you described in these lines about erika's character ,I can't agree with single things. from the start of this novel she acts without thinking of the pro or con of her action and decision. she acts selfishly and without care of other person's feelings. 🙄

"You have never acted like that before. the Aisha I know was a woman who cares about the people whether she knows them personally or not. She believes in justice and she has a strong principle. She doesn't want to hurt other people so she makes ways to balance her actions. She never wanted to hurt nor damage someone. She plans carefully and moves cautiously. When she attacks, she makes sure that she has a second plan, third plan and some more tricks in her sleeve just to make sure she'll have enough when the battle begins. She never settles with collateral damages; she always makes sure not to have any collateral damage whenever she works. Whether to save a righteous or a sinner, that doesn't matter to her as long as she could save a single soul." Rio pronounced.

The Great CEO's Wife is a Gangster

The Great CEO's Wife is a Gangster

Urban · Ethereal_Light37

Replied to Little_Cutie_pie


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