wow Alexander graves? A new character?
The people of the Graves family knew that Alexander Graves only appeared to be gentle and cultured, but in reality, he was ruthless and unfeeling.
General · Hua Hua Liao
what's that amount?🤨
Based on their assumptions, Moran Group had lost at least twenty hundred million dollars due to this incident. It truly was an unfortunate event for the entire company.
Urban · black_flowertrend
"Babies, it's time for dinner. Uncle Kendrick and Timmy are staying for dinner. Wash your hands and face before coming out."
Urban · Summer's Shadows
twenty-four? I thought Wendy was the youngest of the girls
"Alright, alright, I promise, I promise!" Blake helplessly messed up his daughter's hair: "You are twenty-four now, how can I stop you from doing what you want?"
Urban · Yue Qi'er
who is Emma?
Đoạn này đã bị xóa
General · Tail Tone
interesting , looking forward to it's continuation
finally 😁😍😘
so how is he a genius? if he can run out of options soooo soon, he isn't as smart as he was earlier portrayed. How can someone like that help or secure another family
As a matter of fact, he had zero cards left in his hands except for his talent as a lawyer, i.e. the ability to bluff. He also wanted to give her a good scare.
Urban · MerrySweet
Love Love Love
Fortunate to Have You This Lifetime
General · Hua Hua Liao