You shouldnt have to do anything. I just don't like the narrator thing. Some people will like it, I don't. You can't please everyone otherwise you will ruin yourself so don't bother trying. The only thing you should bother with is constructive feedback anything else is not worth it.
{"And thus, the protagonist escapes—for now."}
Others · Horriblebadwolf_YT
I'm beginning to strongly dislike this more and more.
{"And thus, the protagonist escapes—for now."}
Others · Horriblebadwolf_YT
repeated chapter
CH: 110 Rescuing Jill And Jill's Feelings
Anime & Comics · Translator_God
the end of the last chapter said it was a graphorn. Did i miss something?
Newt knelt beside the creature, stroking its mane gently, his touch careful not to aggravate its wounds. "It's a Chimaera," he said softly. "A rare magical beast native to Greece. I spent some time studying them years ago."
Book&Literature · Witch_Heurex
he doesnt have earth until day 4, right or did i miss something.
Earth Manipulation → Created stone pillars to crush its movements.
Anime & Comics · Usiel
This for sure.
1) become neutral with Astera
Video Games · Gearjay
starts repeating
'wings and a tail?' Star thought incredulously as she looked at the photo that the doctor handed her and there it was a large pair of wings that looks somewhat reptilian along with the tail, 'claws,wings and a tail, what kind of quirk is this?' she thought as she looked at the doctor while she crumpled the photo and shoving it in her pocket "Please try not to spread word about this, I wouldn't want people to come after the kid." she said as the doctor added something to the boys chart and nodded at her before leaving. Turning to the boy she saw that now instead of blood, he was covered almost from head to toe in bandages, from his head to his torso and arms and legs, she knew that even with his supposed healing factor it would take a while for him to recover, so she reached over and paged a nurse and asked for another tray of food and then sat in the chair beside him waiting for him to wake up, she didn't know why but perhaps he reminded her of her lost sister but she would never tell.
Anime & Comics · Wolf_Gang_1399
i can agree with you there, diet and max does stink.
"Oh, no, no. How could I like that dishwater?" Seamus said with a disgusted expression.
Book&Literature · windkaze
Out of curiosity, do you reread what you write/type?
That was rude, Mister Jaxon. I'll have you know I'm not completely broke. My parents are helping me through law school, so I get a weekly allowance. and who said I was going to give you any money? You are too shameless Jaxon.
Movies · brahfromnot
"So your face look like that naturally?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow "you poor soul"
Harry Potter: A Different Tale
Movies · Sonic_Spectre