he robbed the car
[After leaving the town, persuaded by your friendly demeanor, a kind passerby decides to lend you their car. You now have a vehicle.]
Video Games · I_Love_Hina
He has long black hair tied in a ponytail with some tucked out above his face. His facial features are handsome, with sharp eyebrows, a tall nose, and rosy lips, giving off a mysterious look.
Anime & Comics · Nine_Clouds
this in the chinese in her speaking
"I was just explaining the importance of school rules to the seniors... As a result, the two seniors didn't repent at all, and they were ugly and stubborn."
Anime & Comics · Abhii_28
"Does this have something to do with all the earthquakes that have been happening more often lately?"
Anime & Comics · TrashHeap
i think he means wade original mutant deadpool
The soldiers pointed their guns at Gin and Coby and fired. Coby came forward and brought his hands in a cross over his chest, before swiping them outwards. Two long blades came out from the back of his wrist, instead of his usual three short claws.
Anime & Comics · Fallen_Crown
i keep mixing up his comic look and movie look
"Cryptic again... Are you gonna keep living after that? Have a retirement plan, old man?"
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
Tristan appeared in his view and looked down at him while taking out a syringe that contained an unknown liquid. "Captain always has a weird way of looking at things but still.. often times her uniqueness is what makes her and us all find new ways to improve ourselves. Even if the tasks are sometimes a little challenging or not in line with our thoughts and world views.."
Anime & Comics · dancematdan
mirai nikki
Many viewers had unknowingly exposed their weird sexual preferences.
Games · Loaded Dice
it was pretty funny though
"Atleast I got to see Naruto becoming hokage and I don't want to see that shit Boruto. Its better to die than watching it"
Anime & Comics · Akkuzz_69
probably messes with their cognition so they don't think anything is strange when talking to the air
Even though she was in the middle of the street, the system had assured her that no one else could see the interface because it was specially encrypted. The conversations between her and the system were also protected, making them inaudible to anyone else.
All Beautiful Girls Want to Stick with Me
Anime & Comics · Dao_Of_Heaven