

LV 5
2018-09-13 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 4

Moments 79
2 years ago

I don't hate Charles, I feel sad for him. The Golden blood is a curse and he's a victim too. Unfortunately for him, he's the most powerful golden blood, which means all good and bad golden traits are amplified. And he can't help it that Aster is his golden circle. Charles and Ramuja, both turn into monsters for Aster, their characters are different though.

2 years ago

Aster can't just blame Charles now, can he? It wasn't Charles' fault that he had forgotten about their childhood or that he never took his love declaration seriously. And he was the one who chose to reply to love letters from Charles and agreed to be with him when he wanted to save Ramuja at the meadows. Everything has consequences..

2 years ago

I don't know why Charles is being singled out as the bad guy here when all golden circle people are certified evil beings and lunatics. Isn't he helpless in a way because Aster is his golden circle and the only one who ever raised any emotion in him? Being the perfect golden kind or whatever he is, his obsession/lunacy/craving/emotional attachment/ possessiveness is also on a higher level. I think the most evil one was Camille...they all gave their selfish reasons for doing evil deeds. She used her own son, her friend the Empress and many others for her motives. They all lose their rationalityfor their golden circle, which was Aster for her. And Aster is not innocent either. He waged war against his own Duchy,killing innocent guards for his circle, Ramuja. And I don't understand why Guam was favored and Gamasiel abhorred when Gamasiel was tricked and ruined by Aster himself for his schemes planned behind the curtain by his mother. I find Guam much more repulsive than his foolish brother. Even Ramuja...he needs to suffer the consequences for repeated lies he's been pushing himself with for too long.

3 years ago

That was a good yardstick to measure love..she wouldn't die seeing Huzey with another woman but seeing Darryl with someone else might kill her. But ironically she could never bear to see Huzey in pain but she didn't leave any stone unturned to give Darryl lots and lots of unbearable pain..reasons don't exactly count.

3 years ago

Who's to say her love for Huzey would not have come out greater than Darryl's if she had no children with Darryl? A lot of things change consciously and subconsciously when kids are added to the equation, you know.

3 years ago

Seems like she's here out of duty, guilt, responsibility towards giving children their family and the fact that she took so much from him over the years etc rather than actual love. To hear that she still loves Huzey and that too romantically, I don't know how to feel about it. Darryl doesn't want to guilt trip her, but would she be as forgiving if it were Darryl in her place in love with another? And who's to say she won't go running to Huzey again if something happens to him?

3 years ago

And what right do you have to question him when you had been running away from him, asked for a divorce which he eventually gave you and left? So much trust..

3 years ago
Replied to Arpna

She should at least find out and feel bad that he saw that heartbreaking scene...

3 years ago

I hope Xhemin goes after him and he sends her away to be with her dearest Prince she longed for so much and shared a passionate reunion with..I'm sure she's still wearing his ring close to her heart. I hope Darryl remembers that betrayal because that had nothing to do with saving the kids.

3 years ago

Why the kids never told him they want their appa and want to spend time with him? He would definitely grant their wish. He left because he believed they didn't need him, like all these past years.