Sh4dowWolf7 - Profile



LV 5
2018-09-01 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 10

Moments 17

Replied to RemotoK

They share the ability Serene Grace, Jirachi is the wish pokemon, it is a psychic type and it is shaped like a lucky star you would wish upon, so people are drawing connections with the talent. I believe it was said in an earlier chapter that the talent takes the user's wants(wishes) into consideration

Still, looking at these psychic-related changes I could not help but think of a myth related to the Togepi line that I had stumbled upon some time ago, though I kept that bit to myself for now, and just shared the things she had actually gained with Fortuna. I did not want to get her expectations high in case I was wrong since anything related to legendaries was quite significant to any Pokemon after all.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


Pretty dang good. Only 10 in each stat less than a Mew o.O

Well, looking at the detailed description, at least he now had a slightly superior racial value like aura variants tended to have. Each of his parameters/stats rose by 5, so Kimura now had an RV/BS of 540 instead of 510. It was a pretty good change, even if it was not the biggest one, but that kind of thinking was probably more due to me being spoiled by all the modifiers and blessings my Pokemon had.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

Replied to Sh4dowWolf7

Sorry for the long rant of a comment. I'm just enjoying the story and dread that the tournament will end up being a snooze fest

That meant that I would need to wait until I was done with my Senior League Tournament since it currently seemed like I would go to Hoenn for my first year. I was planning on doing the Grand League Tournament/Circuit in Kanto afterward, and that was when I could deal with the Mareep issue.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


I don't get why he is even going to participate in the Senior League Tournament. At this point he is so far above them that he may as well participate in the Junior League Tournament with the same rules, that he has to use weak pokemon. It just sounds boring because Mikail should steamroll everyone and if he doesn't it will be because of restrictions that he doesn't. Maybe it's just me but I feel the best tournament so far was the one where Mikail's dad lost. It had the most interesting battles and we got to see some challenges. Mikail's mums tournament was boring but at least it was brief. Mikail's school tournament felt tedious but at least it had the rewards dangling in front of our noses that we could anticipate him getting and it makes a lot of sense for him to participate. Not sure if he even could've skipped it.This tournament he had to get rules changed just so he would be able to participate. I just don't get what he gets out of this tournament, or what we will get out of reading it.I mean, we know that he beat his mom in a pokemon battle and she was the winner of the previous Senior League Tournament so in my eyes he has already basically won it.I would so much rather see him struggle in a tougher tournament and maybe even occasionally lose like he used to in the battle clubs.Just feels like he still almost only fights silver and gold stage pokemon/Senior and Expert class trainers when he should be fighting strong dark gold pokemon and weak platinum pokemon/Elite and Champion class trainers.Maybe it's not a big deal. Maybe it will just be an interesting way to see the weaker members of the team get a chance to fight. Ultimately the author knows his own story better than me. Maybe it will end up being the best tournament in the story. I hope so, but I just don't see how that would happen.

That meant that I would need to wait until I was done with my Senior League Tournament since it currently seemed like I would go to Hoenn for my first year. I was planning on doing the Grand League Tournament/Circuit in Kanto afterward, and that was when I could deal with the Mareep issue.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

Replied to FinnsRevenge

Central Business District


[By failing to make the most obvious deduction, your WIS has gone down by one]

Some guy named Tai? Bai? Dai? Lai? I dunno, pieced out on the Fire Nation. He has a kill order on his head, seems like something for the fire nation to take their soldiers attention away from their wanton mass genocide of innocents. Honestly, I'm rooting for Dai, I also really hope his name is Dai. After all, isn't ironic that people want you to Die when your name is Dai?

ATLA: An Impossible Task

ATLA: An Impossible Task

Anime & Comics · Turtle034


If you can resist pushing a big, red flashing button you must have a godlike will

Now, a normal person who was in this situation wouldn't even think to press the button, nor would they have investigated this room. But Alexander, well he was not a normal person and for some reason he felt that button was calling to him or something which was a little weird.

Star Wars A Galaxy Reborn

Star Wars A Galaxy Reborn

Others · Dr_Dred

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