I still don't get it who is this Shi cui ke is it Stryker 🙄 And I noticed often translation from Chinese have names translated to, but aren't there rule that names cannot be translated❓❓
Fate scale, fate compass sounds like it should guide the path or show the road to power or benefits. But why it's create power out of nothing. Maybe change the name fate compass to mystery compass and mystery scale 🧐✌️
Wow your undertone of Rasa make him look so week that even Iruka could slap him to death ☠️😇
God damm 2 hours a day to create seals it's SO MUCH TIME. So did academy lasted like 5 second's a day😂🤣
Why can't he go all the way because of age, he already 13 or did devil fruit made him in to eunuch. (I cross the line at 11)😤
Are you sure that mc is in gray area, releasing virus just in hope to sell weapons. To me this sounds like crazy Joker from DC and that's not gray but puree evil☠️😇
I finally understand that ERDVA is R2D2😤
Is this another mix like bunch of anime movie's stuff into one 😭
We'll it was a good story I give 8/10 , but after this chapter absolute 0 lost all interest😭 buy buy
Why can't he just steal Smoker jitte and beat him with it 🤤
One Piece: How Can I Become King Of The Pirate If You Don’t Work Hard?
Anime & Comics · 0StolenDream0