Enjoy this story so far, as others have said is similar but different to Shadow Hack. Looking forward to seeing how the story progresses and hope the updates continue stably.
Quite like it despite the constant use of incorrect words, and the odd misspelling :) For not having English as first language its okay, but would advise the author to use spell check before uploading.
Like it so far, as others have said it seems based on Let Me Game In peace, but hey all the new ones are rip offs lately so whats new.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Not sure if it is the translation or the original author but the terms used for this novel do not make sense to me, ah well! ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
someone obviously uploaded wrong chapter, sheesh. Waiting for the updates and then this crap?!
Chương này đã bị xóa
Urban · Ooty
thanks for the chapter! No mass release this time?