thank you for the gift
not yet
Right behind him, Thirteen took out a black banner, and summoned his Parade of a Hundred Demons, with the intention to create as much chaos in the Temple of the Gods as possible, until they surrendered the System God and Goddess of Fate on a silver platter.
Fantasy · Elyon
it won't be about the fool from lotm.
The angelic familiar took out a Tarot Card from his hand, showing one of the Major Arcana, which represented The Fool.
Fantasy · Elyon
thanks for the gift
thank you very much for the gift
Wow. I didn't expect to wake up to see a castle from you Kekeke. Thank you very much fun fun! Advance merry Christmas to you!
thanks for the gift
thanks speedy.
thanks for the gift
System's POV
Fantasy · Elyon