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2018-07-15 đã tham gia United States
Huy hiệu 22

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5 months ago

This is a plot issue…yes Iron Island have slave but people tend to ignore them because of the culture of the Iron Island. However Tarth is different, and nothing can cover up the MC bought slaves…you think people on the Island wouldn’t snitch on you just because you make their life better? But the religion of the Seven doesn’t allow slaves so some of the religious zealots WILL snitch. And the MC is not strong enough to fight the might of the 6 kingdoms. This is such a big plot issue that ruin the story. It’s might be better if you explain that you bought slave but you free them and paid them for their work instead of saying that nobody gonna know because this is an island.

Most people on Tarth were extremely afraid of those large amounts of bees, so Galladon had to buy slaves from Myr to carry out the honey and further process it.

Game of Thrones: House of Tarth

Game of Thrones: House of Tarth

TV · marcoo

5 months ago

It’s not bad but there is a big plot issue with the slaves…Westeros doesn’t accept anything that have to do with slaves. No selling and no buying slaves. So the fact that somehow the MC “bought” slaves doesn’t make sense.

5 months ago

But this is a plot hole….because the MC is just an enhanced human…his Xgene is not activated. Professor X can tell the difference between human enhanced and Mutant, same with Beast if he have the MC DNA.

1: The MC gives his reasoning for acting like a mutant

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All

5 months ago
Replied to MotivatedKatanaMan

Same, I basically guess that this will happen since the MC practice chakra at 5…This IS Konoha…Danzo and Sarutobi have eyes everywhere. It’s like the MC never watch “Naruto” Sorry Author, I like your other novels but I’m dropping this one. I’m not saying it is bad, it’s just not for me.

5 months ago

Plz don’t let the MC work with SHIELD.

And so, the wheels were set in motion will SHIELD approach Alex Arasaka, Is a partnership possible, could it shape the future of technology and espionage in ways never before imagined. Only time would tell what role Alex would play in the world of superheroes and secret agents.

Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.

Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.

Movies · TheMainPlagiaris

6 months ago


8 months ago


A/N: Should i choose Chino Chinoike as part of his wife?

I Am Uchiha With A Son System

I Am Uchiha With A Son System

Anime & Comics · ZoroTraineeWriter

9 months ago

4 is not a harem? I thought it's gonna be just 2 lovers, but 4 is a harem. Sometimes stories that are good was ruined by harem, because the author doesn't know what to write anything interesting with all those lovers. At some points it becomes a "to catch em all"

(A/N: Yeah Haruko Hyuga is the one of his future wife. I plan to do a polygamy but the limit is below then 4. I don't want this story turn into harem)

I Am Uchiha With A Son System

I Am Uchiha With A Son System

Anime & Comics · ZoroTraineeWriter

1 years ago

what is your patreon? I can't find it

1 years ago
Replied to Just_for_fun1997

this is a translation, and the original only has 79 chapters so far, so don't expect much.