
LV 5

a random reader

2018-06-27 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 5

Moments 90
6 months ago
Replied to 707SteelWaste

He overheard (via the raven familiar) the professor speaking with the nurse about the fact that he healed too fast (effect of the system) and they thought that he may be part creature (and he found it good since he could use that as a cover for when something odd from his system get spotted). Later a rumor started about his height and build and his phisical superiority (that is due to his stats getting pumped up by the system). Now he is using the rumors (and the pity card) to lure the professor into confessing his theory, probably so that he can make open use of the "half creature" justification or to get more browny point with Flitwick or for some other (most likely devious) plot.

Looking down at my hands, I spoke in a melancholy voice, "You know, I'm not stupid. I can hear them whispering behind my back, saying I'm part giant because of my height and strength."

HP: A Sociopath Gamer In Magic World

HP: A Sociopath Gamer In Magic World

Book&Literature · Kitamari

9 months ago
Replied to ForestOfDarkness

As the author already foreshadowesd somwhere in the last few chapter it is going to be a 3 way heresy... Horus and choas vs Emperor and loyalists vs Baldur and the rebels... It is going to be interesting to see who is going to join who, especially since a number of "traitor" primarch where actually tricked or forced into becoming primarchs due to not having a different option; Konrad getting told off when he try to warn his brothers about the incoming heresy. Magnus having to dip into tzee in order to save his childred from the sapce wolves (tricked by horus htat told them the emeror wanted the 1k sons exterminated instead of simply magnus brought to him). Mortharion stuck in the warp from Typhus betrayal. Other instead betrayed due to personal reason or resentement toward the emperor and joined the chaos because that was the only other side... I'm just a little disappointed about the relationship between Alpharius and Baldur... He's one of the Primarch I like the most (after my sweet little Konrad... NL all the way!!!) but it is quite clear that his personality and modus operandi are essentially not compatible with Baldur's

"Fine. You may try if you find the opportunity," The Emperor accepted Valdor's request. He also hoped that Valdor could prevent a divide in the Imperium but the Emperor was sure that he would fail. If such a time came, he was ready to recall the captain-general, as he could not afford to lose such a person. 

Warhammer Lost Primarch: The 2nd Knight

Warhammer Lost Primarch: The 2nd Knight

Anime & Comics · ForestOfDarkness

1 years ago
Replied to Goldenstar142

not really... a good number of them have actual reasons (and not necessary bad reasons) for what they do. Ivy, Freeze and Penguin to name a few can be resoned with and potentially even be reabilitated, other instead like Joker are simply psycopath that do evil for the sake of evil or to satiate some other kind of insane urge

1 years ago
Replied to Alexia_Possible

Autohor change the cover girl at every arc with the girl being introduced... previous arc had Black cat on cover, and before that it was Rogue...

Sách này đã bị xóa
1 years ago

If, at the moment of their death they lacked the maturity to recognize their errors and learn from them (that is something you only get once you actualy start experiencing the full consequence of your actions and not something that the AVARAGE teenager has experienced yet) than the extra years will do very little to them, they may end up looking smarter since they already know what they should be learning in primary school) and maybe a little more mature for their age (especially early on) but it will be night and day compared to an adult (with his full baggade of experiences, mistakes and assumed responsabilities) reincarnating... especially in the planning aspect I severly doubt that a reincarted early teen could actually make some real planning and not just live the new life in the moment

They lack certain experiences no matter what and obviously, they'd see things differently growing up again.. So, what do you think about it? Mind you I'm asking cause I'm not satisfied with my own answer for it.



Anime & Comics · Dreizehnn

1 years ago
Replied to Outlier

sorry for my assumption

1 years ago

the last part (the jutsu test) is just copy/paste from previous chapter... word for word... that's more than just being lazy...

1 years ago

There is a fundamental mistake here... Sacred gears don't pop up out of nowhere, nither reincarnate as soon as the old user die. Once a sacred gear user die the gear goes back to the "system" and than from there it get assigned to a new NEWBORN (human or at least half human), it doesn't even have to be instantly assigned, it may take time to cycle trough the system, sometime a gear get assigned to someone that never awake it (awakening is not granted) so the gear stay asleep for the user's entire life only to go back to the system once the user die. So since Vali and Issei where of similar age it means that the previous owner of the bosted gear was not killed by Vali. There was even a part where DDRAIG explain to Issei that sometime it's user live his entire life without meeting the "White one" simply because the 2 gear are not awaken or even incarnated at the same time.

Sách này đã bị xóa
2 years ago

Beside a little extra work, crossposting can only bring benefit such as more exposition for your novel and keeping it (and your readerbase) safe from other possible WB sheningans that could pop up anytime.

2 years ago

Crossposting can't be a bad idea (the only downside is probably some extra work for you) and it will likely give your novel more exposition and keep your novel safe from WB sheningans.