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I guess not even a ballon is possible anymore...

2018-07-21 đã tham gia Brazil
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Moments 53
7 days ago
Replied to satya_srinivas

It varies, but in most stories captain's shield is made out of Proto-Adamantium witch also varies by stories sometimes being an adamantium-vibranium alloy or a steel-vibranium alloy, wolverine's skeleton is made of an alloy called Beta-Adamantium by the way that's why his bones still work like bones.

Unfortunately, the shield Stark had found wasn't made of true adamantium. The genuine Captain America shield likely remained with the real Cap.

With Ope Ope no Mi in Marvel (Resident Evil, Marvel, Harry Potter)

With Ope Ope no Mi in Marvel (Resident Evil, Marvel, Harry Potter)

Movies · Mutter

15 days ago
Replied to midgetydeath

It's the strongest natural-born meaning it exists in an animal, plenty of fucked up things out there created by humans that kill in seconds.

27 days ago
Replied to bob685014

They are gods, if he's a god of riches he can create gold and shit from nowhere, that could crumble an enemy nation's economy in weeks due to inflation or boost another to high heavens in the same time frame if he's smart.

"Each room has the coordinates for the location of one of the kingdoms of this world, this kingdom will be your test. The 10 best kingdoms after 30 days will be considered successful and will enter the army as sergeants, while the other 20 kingdoms will fail and will be assigned as corporals in the army." The teacher explained. "Remember, time in the small world passes twice as fast as time in our divine world, so one day in the divine world is only 12 hours in our world, so use this information wisely."

God of Internet

God of Internet

Video Games · NunuXD

2 months ago

Brother is slowly turning himself into a Space Marine.

"The procedure was successful, Kol," Cortana responded, her tone filled with relief and satisfaction. "Your body has fully integrated the enhancements and not just that but the chemicals injected in your body weren't rejected by your extra chromosome. In fact, I think it recognized it as something useful and helped the process."

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All

2 months ago

People thinking that a minute to kill is too much, the stronger natural-born venom on earth takes from 8 to 10 minutes to kill and that's from a KING COBRA, Venom kill faster depending on where it is injected or how much is injected, even air if injected into someone it can cause Embolism and potentially kill someone.

2 months ago
Replied to Anges_Lee

Oh look it's the USA's Army!

3 months ago

Batman is a little crazy about leaving some Villains that committed some heinous crimes alive, but I respect the fact that he swore not to ever kill, and he goes through with it, even if killing some villains would save a lot of problems later down the line.

"Yes, but at what cost... If he goes down this path, innocent blood will be on his hands at some point. I've seen it before, and it never ends well. Once you start killing, you can't stop."

DC: Dimensional Luck

DC: Dimensional Luck

Anime & Comics · Sothisq

4 months ago
Replied to Heming2

I mean, if you had the money for a mansion and an indoor Gym, would you not buy it so you don't have to bother with the sweaty masses of public gyms?

Weiss didn't care much about becoming the strongest. He wasn't power hungry and he wasn't desperate to become stronger.

God-Level Game Developer System: I Brought In-Game Items To Real World

God-Level Game Developer System: I Brought In-Game Items To Real World

Games · ShadowKatake

4 months ago
Replied to Irina_Akashira

greenwich only opens every hundreds or so years when the realms align so you don't need to bother defending a place that only creates a passage for once every century and only for a couple hours.

I was nervous that a multi-planet-wide war was about to break out, but glad that Lady Death was giving Hela her full powers back before it did. Even with tens of thousands of my siblings in Asgard, our forces were still heavily outnumbered by the tens of millions of Fire Demons and Frost Giants. This would definitely help even the odds.

The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)

The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)

Movies · StarWaves

4 months ago
Replied to GGloserzz_69

that's one hot nosferatu right there

[I have a crush on aliens...]



Movies · NunuXD