*Melony, was her original name.
"Melisandre," Viserys said softly, surprising her with the use of her old name. "You've waited so many years in solitude. You must be tired. Lonely, even?"
Book&Literature · BlurryDream
*in Rhaegars army...
At Harrenhal, Viserys also learned of the infamous "The Dragons Assassins." For House Targaryen, House Darry was little more than a "family of martyrs." Rhaegar's four brothers had perished with him at the Battle of the Trident, and Lord Raymun Darry himself had died in an assassination attempt on Robert's life. And Ser Willem? Viserys owed him everything—without his intervention, Viserys and Daenerys might have been handed over to Robert's men at Dragonstone or killed outright. Now, House Darry had dwindled to a single surviving member: eleven-year-old Lyman Darry.
Book&Literature · BlurryDream
He looked ahead, his eyes narrowing as he continued. "After all, with more and more dragons under our command, it won't matter whether there's one more castle or one less. But eliminating one noble house or another? That can shift the balance significantly. Olenna—this 'Queen of Thorns'—already suspects what I'm planning."
Book&Literature · BlurryDream
Back in Highgarden, only Olenna, known as the "Old Rose," and Willas Tyrell remained. They had just received word that Viserys had successfully retaken Dragonstone and anticipated his visit to King's Landing soon.
Book&Literature · BlurryDream
*Highgarden. As for the Hand of the King thing. Did you mean Queen of Thorns?
Though Viserys only needed to visit Mace briefly to solidify their alliance, he chose to journey to King's Landing first out of respect for the old Hand of the King, Olenna Tyrell—the true power behind House Tyrell. Her influence made it essential for Viserys to meet her in person.
Book&Literature · BlurryDream
*Balerion the Black Dread
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*Sorrowful men
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*Barristan the Bold
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~ A Primordial Vampyres Omniversal Adventures ~
Fantasy · BlackViodEmperor