Ellyster - Profile


male LV 15


2018-04-18 đã tham gia Spain

Huy hiệu 23

Moments 15


Usually, thoughts use single quotes 'like this' and dialogue uses double quotes "like this". Being consistent makes it easier to read.

Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Naruto : Golden Coin

Naruto : Golden Coin

Anime & Comics · MasterR


Really!? I would expect planes falling out of the sky, trains crashing, people being teleported in the middle of surgery... not to mention all the deaths among the kids that were left alone for six hours.

The whole world is in great chaos right now, people from age 19 to 50 are the ones who run the world, Suddenly causing a lot of chaos. Thankfully it was only for 6 hours before they came back and no extreme damage was done in their absence.

Playing PokeMMO In Another World

Playing PokeMMO In Another World

Video Games · DevilHanu


Dumbledore would have called her "Minerva" rather than "professor McGonagall"


The space before the commas and the dashes after each paragraph are killing me.

It was a dreary and stormy evening the day my life changed drastically. Before I get into all that I should introduce myself , Alexander Drake a fairly normal twenty year old guy all things considered. I have short thick messy black hair and job that barely pays for my rundown one bedroom one bathroom house as well as a small amount put into the rainy day funds under the mattress. Sure it wasn't some glorious existence but I lived alone in two thousand and twenty three America which was quite the achievement let me tell you.-

A random pokemon journey

A random pokemon journey

Video Games · loskro


If you split an A2 in half you get two A3


I think that Tutankhamen's tomb is not a pyramid :(

Carter Dean was a renowned British archaeologist and adventurer, celebrated for his expeditions to the Pyramid of Tutankhamun in Egypt and the Manchac Ghost Swamp in the United States.

Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Anime & Comics · Scaramousse


I think you are missing a 0, ¥2.000.000 should be around $20.000, not $2.000.

As Noah stared, dumbfounded, at the cheque, his fingers trembled as they picked the certificate up, counting each 0. From what he'd seen, Pokedollars were the equivalent of Yen in his old world, so 2000000 Pokedollars was worth $2000.

Pokemon - A Bright Adventure

Pokemon - A Bright Adventure

Anime & Comics · Takaie


In the game of Go you don't have to set up anything, it starts with an empty board. Plus there are no pieces, only white & black stones... they are confusing Go with chess :(

The old man began setting the small pieces and we started playing. As we went on, I thought about how he mentioned using the mindset of a cultivator. For me, right now, the proper move would be to barricade a group of his pieces and block his advance, that's the optimal move. If I were to do that, I'll still be on the defensive, unable to attack, and he will still have the upper hand…I need a move that could turn the tables.

Poison God's Heritage

Poison God's Heritage

Eastern · Biako

Replied to Piggy

As it is an extract, probably italicized text is the proper way to go. I agree, that curly brackets on each paragraph are hard on the eyes.


Should be the opposite, you accelerate the time inside the bubble so that you have 36h inside when only 24h has passed outside.

Cross' proficiency with handling Time became somewhat better, he could slow time now, but only a little bit. Instead of 24 hours a day, if you were sitting inside the Time bubble you would have 36 hours.

The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

Movies · Monkey_Godking


Didn't he just killed 3 other cultivators? Is he not keeping their stuff?

Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Is that a Wisp?

Is that a Wisp?

Eastern · Suiyan

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