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2018-04-10 đã tham gia Germany
Huy hiệu 18

Moments 1268
22 hours ago

well, but we the readers hope you'll have to step up mate

“I really hope I don’t have to step up,” he murmured, gazing at the vast expanse displayed before him. The sensors they had deployed through the Oort cloud were continuously monitoring and updating the every base with their requiren information.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

22 hours ago

in short: r/hfy

By ensuring that no soldier had to fear the loss of their life but still understood the gravity of the empire's fate, the empire created warriors who could fight with everything on the line, without ever holding back. The result was not going to be just a battle—it was going to be a performance of pure human spirit, played out in the face of an uncertain future.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

22 hours ago

"the good news is, we're going to name a disease after you"

22 hours ago

if it's name isn't A'RIES, I'd be very disappointed A′RIES (κριός), the battering-ram, was used to shake, perforate, and batter down the walls of besieged cities

Meanwhile, Athena had assigned a specially designed breaching AI to access the vessel's computer systems. This AI was tasked with extracting as much valuable information as possible to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the ship's operations and any relevant data.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

22 hours ago

damn 30 min respawn cooldown is harsh man in a MMORPG that would be e big no no for me

{As you know, after you die, you spend at least thirty minutes in analysis before I wake you up. During that period, they have already taken over the rest of the forces and surrendered quite easily after we captured what seemed to be their leader. The rest were surprisingly willing to surrender, almost as if they were previously fighting only because they were afraid of their leader.} Cortana responded, informing him that the mission was complete.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

23 hours ago

when in doubt, dakka if dakka not enough, more dakka if even dakka dakka not enough?


Maylander didn’t waste any time. He fired his weapon, aiming to neutralize the telekinetic figure. However, he quickly realized that the bullet had been stopped in mid-air. Undeterred, he and his team immediately unleashed a barrage of gunfire, testing the limits of the man's defenses, to see if he could stop every round.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

7 days ago

here is someone quite an optimistic little sunshine, eh?

Quorani knew that if he didn’t act quickly, Xalthar would not hesitate to deal with him personally, just as he had done with the previous vice-captain moments after the attack began. Desperate to buy more time, Quorani added, "But, your excellence sage, I’ve taken precautions. Seeing how quickly they were advancing, I initiated a containment strategy. I’ve deployed a kilometer-thick fast-setting solution to seal off all paths leading to the control room and the central sectors of the ship. It’ll take them days to breach it, unless they resort to fully destroying parts of the ship—something it seems they’re avoiding."

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

7 days ago

oh, culture of "bringer of bad news gets punished" or "its's never the leaders fault that something went wrong"?

“We’ve lost control of the five-kilometer outer zone, and there are no movements at the moment,” the newly promoted Vice-Captain reported, his face smeared with remnants of biological material from the previous Vice-Captain.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

14 days ago

like my old Sargent used to say: Hurry up and wait faster

What followed was a return to silence and waiting—a situation every imperial soldier trained for space warfare was familiar with. Much of their training involved long stretches of travel between points, while actual combat tended to be brief, often resolved within a few hours or days. Since either they held the upper hand, or the opposing side did, resulting in quick outcomes.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

14 days ago

and in the end the aliens will speak perfect English, like almost all aliens in SG1?

To ensure the communication foundation would allow for the exchange of information with full context and minimize misunderstandings, the process would take several hours or even days. The outcome depended on how quickly each side could comprehend the other's approach. For now, it had become a game of patience, where haste could easily lead to complications.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047