Webnovel Author: Alex_Destro - Novel Collection



male LV 13

Mad reader and writer

2018-04-07 đã tham gia Indonesia

Huy hiệu 17

Moments 194


The rarest eye-color in the world. I see what you did there.

My grey eyes also played well to my appearance, as while most tend to overlook them when I am talking to them.

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

Book&Literature · Yggdrasil_loki


If you think about it being an Uchiha itself is already a cheat. Photography memory, microscophic vision, dynamic vision, predictive vision,top-notch illusion, natural fire affinity, capable to copy any jutsu with single glance. And that's without the broken mangekyo ability and their gundam susanoo. I am not even sure how senju somehow manage to be on par with them without wood elemental jutsu.

This influx of his memories seems to come with its own issues! Some transmigrators have various systems granted to them, akin to golden fingers or multiple bloodlines. Why do I not have such privileges? And the ROB or someone else decided I wasn't getting any system; the least he could have done was send me to a normal world, unlike the ninja world, which is fraught with blood and killing.

Naruto : Transmigrated as an Uchiha

Naruto : Transmigrated as an Uchiha

Anime & Comics · NoviceAuthor


No, he is right. However, the harder part of using jutsu is the chakra ratio. Without knowing the good chakra ratio, it will be like Naruto performing clone jutsu in the first episode. Since Sharingan could somehow see the chakra movement, it helped a lot in learning the chakra ratio more easily than others. In fact, the Uchiha clan itself is a cheat-like existence compared to ordinary ninjas even without the mangekyo sharingan and its evolution.

Over the past year, Yami had discovered that you don't need Sharingan to copy a Jutsu. As long as you knew a Jutsu's hand signs and had the right chakra ratio, anyone could perform it. That was why he worked hard to make his chakra control high enough to copy other Jutsu. During this period, he made sure to memorize a few Jutsu performed by his teammates.

Naruto: Just a Background character

Naruto: Just a Background character

Anime & Comics · Calm_Storm


This is an amazing fact. This is the first time I heard such a backstory and it is true when I look at it. Just including Nicolas flamel backstory, this fanfiction is already among the top.

"The Book of Jewish Abraham, I remember it was a mysterious book that Nico Flamel got from his dream. He was able to refine the Philosepher's stone because of the inspiration from this book.... I didn't expect a copy of that book to be here.." Cyrus picked up the book, and opened it.

I became Voldemort

I became Voldemort

Book&Literature · HornyFBI

Replied to CarlosG07

He tried to delay time until the eclipse ended. He knows he is still no match with ang in avatar state. What he reveals is nothing but fact and will be known sooner or later.

"In my case, it's absolutely useless. Only with the eclipse did I understand - the other firebenders from birth are used to absorbing and utilizing the ambient fire energy, which the Sun supplies to the planet in large quantities. However, during a solar eclipse, the Moon drastically changes the spectrum of energy flowing to the planet. It's neither the spectrum of water nor fire. Something neutral. Ordinary firebenders are accustomed to using the surrounding force and mostly rely on it, but cut off the energy flow from the Sun, and their own personal strength and control over it are only enough for a weak burst, maybe a faint stream of fire from the strongest of firebenders - they haven't learned to use these forces. But here's the trouble! Guys, I wasn't born a Firebender! I was born a Waterbender! The Moon nourished me from birth, and then I entirely rejected any external sources, even if I didn't realize it myself. And all my powers are solely Mine!" I yelled and sent a new stream of blinding fire into the blade. "And I don't give a damn about any Moon or Ocean spirits, unlike the other Waterbenders! And I don't give a damn about the Solar Eclipse! I am always fully battle-ready!"

Avatar The Last Airbender: Not Avatar

Avatar The Last Airbender: Not Avatar

Anime & Comics · Vandalizer

Replied to Alpha_Ace

I think it is related to the spiritual and physical body. When someone goes into the spirit world without their physical body, they may also not use their bending. But, if they enter with their physical body, they should be able to bend their element like the false avatar yun killing father glowworm in the spirit world.

their element, it's just simplest with fire and lightning. I grasped the entire process, understood and accepted it, when observing the spirits. I understood why my bending was ineffective there, precisely, it didn't work at all. All four elements remained in the material world, not in the Spirit World. And so, the only way to use these elements in the Spirit World is to create them! And all the spirits materialize their element from bending, rather than using one that's already present. Those among them who use elements at all.

Avatar The Last Airbender: Not Avatar

Avatar The Last Airbender: Not Avatar

Anime & Comics · Vandalizer

Replied to CruelReality

True. In fact, the state of water turn into ice or vapor has nothing to do with temperature. Yet, in the story the waterbender could easily make a solid cold ice out of water. It shows the waterbender capable to manipulate not only state of water but also its temperature.

I lived in the village for four weeks, after which I learned some details about the neighbors. The island, easily visible from the village shores. Previously, this island was a peninsula, part of the continent, but Avatar Kyoshi separated it and turned it into an island, deciding not to fight Chin's huge army. Something tells me she did it not out of fear or because it was easier, but because she simply pitied this army. Most earthbenders I've met, although not many, use their bending in combat to throw rocks and stones, raise earth barriers and walls... in short, they use their bending very inefficiently, which seems utterly foolish to me! Why knock an enemy down with a rock when it's easier to make the earth swallow his feet and then just turn them into dust? I don't understand why almost no one can come to such a simple idea. The only exception are the firebenders. Their element matches, and their upbringing and mentality are shaped by centuries of active warfare. They use such attacks in battle that cause more damage or outright destroy the enemy. But you can't really get creative with their element!

Avatar The Last Airbender: Not Avatar

Avatar The Last Airbender: Not Avatar

Anime & Comics · Vandalizer


I know this reference... The Lost City, anyone?

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep." Muttered Carson as he tightened his hold, choking the man who was failing around, trying to free himself, to no avail.

Marvel's Black Steel

Marvel's Black Steel

Movies · Ozonelayer

Replied to Rydiah

The irony. Well, I just want to portray a scene where politics and war happen at the same time. The stake behind the frontline and the situation of the frontline.

"Gabel, you are worthy of my respect and a dear friend. I will not send you to your own death. This is my current belief and conviction." said Gofrey resolutely.



Fantasy · Alex_Destro

Replied to Mike_klimowicz

Fixed it

Replied to Rydiah

Well, certainly Twin Gemini is creepy but Anna is also adorably creepy if she want to. This scene is actually inspired by London brigde falling down children version and Freedy Krueger children song scene. Up till now it will still give me a goosebump when I hear it in creepy environment.

It is not wrong to say the whole Guardian is already inside Anna's hand. Just by one fifth-grade ice bird Gram and the copies of Cupid, she could manage to contain Patimura and separate them from the other guardians.



Fantasy · Alex_Destro

Replied to Rydiah

No, you are wrong. The real question is how long they are going to bother King Leon.

As one of the first few people that already experience Twin Gemini's mischievous prank, he knows these two girls are genuinely nightmares and more slippery than his own last child. He doubts King Leon can tame and handle these two naughty girls.



Fantasy · Alex_Destro

Replied to Rydiah

The firstborn child is the most important. They often get named not far from their own Father. This is a norm during the middle age period in some countries.Though, it is not absolute. The Victory family like to keep the culture itself. So their firstborn likely starts with J. Or it is just the author's whim when he is too lazy to think about name.

As they enter the facility, they find the whole facility has a lot of guards patrolling nearby. Even two fifth-grade combatants and many high-grade Sur Knights hide among the ordinary guards. This is also one of Jacob and Jason's ways to increase security.



Fantasy · Alex_Destro

Replied to Sammy_Amigo

In the manga and anime, Orochimaru has quite unique personality. I am not sure about he never lies or not. But, when it comes to deal, he is always fulfilling his part. It could be seen by how he fulfill his deal with Danzo, Sasuke, and others through the story, thought in the end he has his own plan. It could be said he will never backstab during the deal but after or before the deal happen.

Drawing upon his astute 'Observation Haki', Jiryoku ascertained that Kabuto spoke the truth, detecting no trace of deceit in his words. While Jiryoku harboured neither affection nor animosity towards Orochimaru, he recognized that, regardless of Orochimaru's villainous reputation, he never lies. Hence, Jiryoku concluded that the information conveyed by Orochimaru was unquestionably true. Not only did Orochimaru's testimony lend credence to this fact, but Jiryoku's own doubts concerning his mother's demise also cast doubt on the circumstances surrounding her death. Despite outward appearances suggesting her demise resulted from a wind ninjutsu, the activation of her curse mark prior to her passing contradicted the typical pattern observed among members of the Hyuga clan, where the mark typically emerges after death.

Naruto: Blind Hyuga

Naruto: Blind Hyuga

Anime & Comics · Hkj

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