This I support that the invocation requires a circle, or a ritual, at least minimally written, and not simply throwing sacrifices left and right and summoning a Daemon. Thinking about it, obviously they must be necessary, one of the necessary ones that I know is a Host for the Daemon. I know that when they are summoned they consume the Host, but what would happen if the potential Host was killed before the summoning was successful? I believe the Daemon would lose its anchor and the summon would fail, or at least be much more difficult.
I don't know how rituals work in Warhammer, there are probably summoning circles, pentagrams and sacrifices. I couldn't just destroy the symbols, I believe that by simply shooting and vaporizing some places of the writings, I might be able to harm the ritual.
I remembered that
This story is really good, totally different from the stories I normally read, but it's really great, I'll follow it.
I think I've read this chapter before...
Great fic, keep up the good work. Too bad I've already used up my power stones, the next ones will be yours.
Finally, I got to the 100th power stone, send me my chapter 🔥🔥🔥
If I'm not mistaken, the translator is reading while translating... Neither he nor I must know 🤣
Look, in my opinion this story is completely nonsensical, how the hell have people not figured out how to craft yet, They all have inventory, obviously many people would put items in the inventory craft to see what would happen. And as people are, in a matter of weeks, they would figure out all the basic crafts, simply by trial and error. It doesn't make sense for the MC to be the only one who knows yet, this is basically turning all the other humans into morons, so that the MC can at least seem intelligent.
Don't worry, I'm just extrapolating information. As Warhammer is a tabletop game, interpretation is usually up to the GM, You are the GM here.
WH 40k: Transcendence
Video Games · Kratos5627