Noice he will embody what "Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist" is in this moment
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Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
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Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
"Okay but like, objectively speaking," Kaminari persisted, "who do we think has the advantage here? The hero team's basically down to Yaoyorozu since Midoriya-"
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
Let's see which 'Thing in the Storm' was stronger.
Anime & Comics · Calleum_Artori
Here's the thing
Let's see which 'Thing in the Storm' was stronger.
Anime & Comics · Calleum_Artori
congrats on No.1
Giving massive monster hunter vibes
The beast's muffled cries of pain shook the ground beneath it. It tried to stand, but its lack of front legs made it impossible. I ran beside its tail and landed a vertical slash. With its front legs gone, I was free to land several quick attacks that ended up finally removing the tail from its body. Without pause, I jumped onto its shell and ran towards the Giga-Gators head.
Anime & Comics · GAF_00_TW
this is amazing
wait i didn't know author made a new one
Block 1: New World
Video Games · GAF_00_TW
Finally. The adrenaline holding me upright evaporated. The floor rushed up to meet me as darkness claimed the edges of my vision.
My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels