Gengar, unfazed, was now eyeing the bamboo in Pangoro's mouth with great interest.
Video Games · michaeI
Yoruichi Shihoin?
Anime & Comics · Boringman3
probably the mouth since if I remember correctly the rasengan is based on the tailed beast bomb.
I think they mean take away the 1 and read it backwards which turns 4396 into 6934 or 69 and 34/rule 34.
It's not that he is overly sensitive to numbers, but that if you take away the one from this number, it really does lead one's thoughts astray.
Anime & Comics · SoftCrow
It looks like it's either between Wanda, Jean, Susan, or Ororo.
Movies · Torhelm
definitely tekken
seriously . . . . disappointed.
"A professional farm owner with quite a number of combat skills. I can also raise summoned creatures and catch some… Hmm, catch some idiots to plant cotton for me."
Games · Crossover
"That'll do." - The nigger checked the cash and got a nod from his friend inside the house, to whom he handed a random portion of the notes he'd pulled out of various stacks.
I'm Alexander Pierce's son
Movies · FanFictionPremium