| Have sex with Illyana Rasputin to get teleportation.
Anime & Comics · SleepyGod
More like Albino 😂😂😂
Sách này đã bị xóa
You didn't need to do her like that bro.
"Oh. That's okay then." Haley accepted the excuse on face value without even having any suspicions about my words. She returned to the stove and stacked up a 10 layer chocolate chip pancake on a plate.
Fernsehen · Alittlepiggy33
Huh... didn't think about that reference when writing this comment. I was actually talking about the ridiculous physics here not about the movie. Sorry for making you remember the sad part.
I heard the water land and Marko scream, but that wasn't important right now as I was calculating Gwen's flight trajectory in my head to catch her. She flew in a splendid arc right into my arms.
Anime & Comics · Chaostic
I am pretty sure he changed it recently. Even his reviews have gone from 1 to 3 stars.
Or should I change the plot and add some romantic interaction between them, where she would slowly fall in love with him,
Anime & Comics · Abhii_28
Hateful clown indeed. Just a look at his comment history and you can see, he is only commenting negatively. Just ignore him.
Hope you get better. Just don't drop this story.
The Supernatural Downloader
Fernsehen · AlphaDragnir