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2018-02-14 đã tham gia Japan

Huy hiệu 44

Moments 1500

Replied to Eldertombdragon

Thankfully he said fk this and told people and it had zero affect on the story in future chapters soon after this and everyone is nice and supports him. I hate this trope so I’m happy the author also decided it was stupid and dropped it.

In the end, he decided to leave that portion of the questionnaire marked with 'none'. If the agility increase improved in the future, he could blame it on something else from his training. After all, some of the elite were said to be true superhuman monsters, and some were just as frail and human as always, but with mind-boggling supernatural powers.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


What’s the point of hiding it?

In the end, he decided to leave that portion of the questionnaire marked with 'none'. If the agility increase improved in the future, he could blame it on something else from his training. After all, some of the elite were said to be true superhuman monsters, and some were just as frail and human as always, but with mind-boggling supernatural powers.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

Replied to ndmx

Good theory I reckon.

ch 2013 Psychology and Philosophy of Identity

The Martial Unity

The Martial Unity

Action · Lord_Streak


Why does he think knowing who he is matters at all for project water? It doesn’t? Martial art is the only thing that matters, and the information he obtained, from god knows where, still exists. I kind of feel like this identity crisis is a bit out of place. Why you ask? Well, there’s enough to believe that literally the earth itself is alive, and there’s mystical properties for telling of someone coming from another planet to be the antithesis. The physics of the world are all over the place and esoteric materials are in abundance creating magical and unrealistic effects that Earth scholars would spend millenium studying. What is so strange and incomprehensible to Rui that, even after the divine doctor said someone else did the “soul transfer”, that it couldn’t just be he was actually reincarnated? He can literally crush the minds of others just by activating his thoughts. Why did this cause such a mental break in him? I feel like you’d have to be very sure of yourself to reach this point and he usually really is. Is it because of the PTSD of the tree transferring stuff that’s made him more vulnerable? That might be part of the reason? I guess I’m just struggle to understand some of this direction or reasoning. It just doesn’t seem to match with the story you’be told so far with who Rui is. Also, this is now what… the third or fourth separate change in identity for Rui so far? First was from John to Rui (Orphan), then to Rui the Prince, then Rui the Silas prophet family member, and now he’s not John anymore? None of the previous changes in identity shattered his mind like this. Why would this be different? Especially when honestly the divine doctor’s reasoning is half-baked and even HE admits he doesn’t know who did it. It could be the planet and he’s actually from another world. Plus, he’s just a sage??? There’s literal transcendent gods above his ability. Maybe one of them messed with the river of death and plucked out Rui’s soul and brought it to Gaia? He’d still be John. I feel like Rui is acting a bit illogical given everything fantastical about his current world, one with literal angels???

ch 2013 Psychology and Philosophy of Identity

The Martial Unity

The Martial Unity

Action · Lord_Streak


A what?

"You…" He whispered. "You have undergone the soul transference ritual."

The Martial Unity

The Martial Unity

Action · Lord_Streak

Replied to Draconiain

Yeah probably at the higher realms I’m sure. Definitely not now, but I can picture it happening.

However, it showed him the most antithetical domains for each of the three individual species integrated into the chimera. Two of them had evolved for hot environments, and only one of them had evolved for cold environments. It was a shame that there was no one temperature antithetical to all of its being, but alas, he could only choose the lesser of two evils.

The Martial Unity

The Martial Unity

Action · Lord_Streak


He’ll be godly if he can summon the void of space, the actual antitheses to life itself.

However, it showed him the most antithetical domains for each of the three individual species integrated into the chimera. Two of them had evolved for hot environments, and only one of them had evolved for cold environments. It was a shame that there was no one temperature antithetical to all of its being, but alas, he could only choose the lesser of two evils.

The Martial Unity

The Martial Unity

Action · Lord_Streak


Any chance you got a picture of what Monica looks like anywhere Eve? Actually curious how you envision her. Tbh, I forgot the detail that her skin is darker? You should add an image to the characters option or something for the book. It’d be nice.

No one could hear the conversation, and Khan's face was as impenetrable as always. Monica also retained her elegant façade, but her mind thanked her dark skin for hiding the slight blush rising to her cheeks.

Chaos' Heir

Chaos' Heir

Fantasy · Eveofchaos

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