Did the MCs minion just talk about "enchanted soldiers" to that other lord without beating an eyelid? Is this translation or A.I.? Or a combo of both? I'm getting a weird tone from the dialog. It doesn't help that it seems the MC refuses to speak to anyone but his summoned soldiers or a fellow lord once in a while.
It's so jarring to have the MC constantly refrence his cheat system in his head out loud to people. And every time I'm like, "is this guy a magic soldier? Or just a regular villager?"
Must have been a mix up at the end there.
This chapter did feel more realistic to his character. And it doesn't hurt that it doesn't box the MC and the story into a corner and their can be more ambiguity between the republic and MC.
Just a small question, is the village nestled between canyon walls that are a KILOMETER high? Like a full 1000 meters? 3000ft. High? The anime isn't exactly fresh in my memory but that sounds crazy to me.
Thank goodness he gave the child trafficking abuser a stern warning. I was worried that the murder hobo would be a psycho. I'm out. It was a good idea but some of these character decisions are ridiculous.
Honestly my thoughts exactly. I got the feeling author had another more sophisticated result in mind but couldn't execute it well enough so he scratched it and just had the MC go full psycho to escape. When I read last chapter I though, "so wich old acquaintance is he going to talk to back at the HQ? I bet he'll drop some ominous warning and flex his god powers a little" I guess I was right in a way, but man this soured who I thought the MC was.
I bit cringey, you know, the loud declarations of brotherly bonds. You were doing well, but then that one paragraph of dialog sounded like it came from a bad anime.
Is everyone really just staring at each other while monologuing?
Thank God he just happen to obtain a lost and forgotten book of ancient magic that's easy to understand and explains everything for him. Probably pretty lucky for a minor lord in the Riverlands to get that instead of say.....the high tower or the meisters? It was fun for a awhile, but pacing issues and weird dialog (seriously tho, nearly every convo with his soldiers sounds so robotic and weird)and the random inclusion of magic, mean my time ends here.
Game of thrones: the Sunblode rise
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